Getting stronger

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The three remains first years are all sitting on some stairs looking depressed.

Shoyo is holding his new sword his hair covering his eyes 

Shoyo wipes a tear from his eye

Nobara: he said love a long life

Shoyo gives a hollow chuckle: yeah that sounds like something my brother would say

Nobara: guess it doesn't mean much when you die yourself, first time having a partner your age die on you

Megumi: one my age yeah

Shoyo: my grandfather died a little while ago and now Yuji is gone, 'he looks too be trying really hard to keep the emotions in' guess I don't have anyone now

Nobara sighs: in any case, you are both taking it well

Shoyo: well I just tell myself he wouldn't want to see me crying over him he'd want me to live my life

Megumi: you are taking it pretty well yourself

Nobara: well of course two weeks ago I didn't even know him, I'm not the type to break down and fall to pieces when a guy I barley know dies, I mean geez

She also looks really sad as well

All of them sitting in various states of depression

Fushiguro: it's hot huh

Shoyo: yeah I guess it is

Nobara: wonder if it's time for summer uniforms

Then someone walks up too them

?: so what's this, you're looking even more bummed out the usual Megumi, having a wake

Megumi: what's up Zenin

Zenin: Quit calling me by my last name

They see a panda and a white haired guy as well

Panda: Hey Maki, Maki

Maki: hey I'm talking here shut it

Panda: are you serious right now? You don't know why they're so down?

Maki: No should I

Panda: Someone died yesterday he was one of the first years

White hair: Bonito flakes

Maki angry: Well why didn't you say so!, now I look like some heartless cold blooded ice demon!

Panda; Yeah that's how you came off

White hair: Tuna and mayo

Shoyo looks at Maki

Maki looks back at him

Shoyo looks away quickly a light blush on his face

Maki: what's with him

Panda: apparently the one that died was his brother

Maki's eyes look saddened for a second

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