Shibuya begins

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The quartet is now in Kyoto

Urahime: This way

All four walk up too them

Urahime: you've heard from Gojo about the person leaking Intell right

All: yes mam

Urahime: There's probably two or more people in contact with the cursed users one would be a higher up well above the principal I wouldn't be able to do anything about that one , the other would be the one passing the information to the higher up that's the one we are going to target they're only a suspect at this time so we'll capture and interrogate them

Nobara: so who from Kyoto is it

Yuji: huh

Shoyo: that's the reason they asked us from Tokyo to come here

Nobara: couldn't of said it better myself

Yuji: You're both awesome

Urahime: the name of the mole is Mechamaru

They get to a staircase

Urahime: mechamaru's actual body kokichi Mita is in this basement now it's not like he's suspicious but it's just that everyone else wasn't so the process of elimination leaves us with him

They open the door and walk through

Urahime: mechamaru's technique is puppet manipulation thanks to his heavenly pact he can manipulate puppets through all of Japan and if he has puppets we don't know about it'll be easy for him to work as a mole if he wants

Yuji: no way how can you miss a puppet that size being a mole

Urahime: by using puppets the size of a fly or a mosquito

Yuji: oh yeah I didn't think of that

Urahime: in there

They open the door

But there's absolutely nothing

Yuji: wrong room?

Shoyo: nope

Urahime: he knows that we after him

Megumi: on the other hand

Nobara: now we are certain that the mole is mechamaru

With the curses

Geto: Hello Hayato I understand you wanna fight that blue haired kid

Hayato: that is correct he's the only opponent I'm after I saw him slaughter a special grade that I gave me own blood too that's someone I wanna test my sword against

Geto: fine..jjst make sure you do your share of the killing too

Hayato: Oh with pleasure I wanna ramp up my blood lust before I battle

Geto: you going to help us with Gojo

Hayato: nah that guy doesn't interest me plus he's not a swordsman he wouldn't be any fun

Hayato disappears in the wind and appears above a crowd of people

Hayato: this seems like enough people to kill

Hayato jumps down

Guy: hey what are you doing! Getting in my way like ray

Hayato licks his lips: I want to see your blood

He slices off the man's head and the whole crowd screams

Hayato: come on shoyo Itadori Let's have some fun!

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