The Monster of Nature

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Shoyo is tired

Shoyo: dammit that beast wasn't easy at all

With the teachers

The charm for the curse shoyo just killed is extinguished

Mei-Mei: Haha that boy really is something special

Gojo: You've got that right he's got potential to even rise to be a special grade sorcerer and what we are seeing now isn't even scratching the surface of what he can do but his display just now was our first glimpse of it

Mei-Mei: well then maybe you should go ahead and promote the kid too grade 2 or maybe even 1

Gojo: I would but unfortunately I'm in charge of him so I've got no power but I'd say to someone like him, grades don't really matter much he just feels the thrill

Mei-Mei: ugh kids these days they don't understand the value of money they are jjsy in it for the experience

Gojo: ugh so materialistic

Back with shoyo 

Shoyo: damn that was so awesome I feel even stronger than I did before

Shoyo rushes off

Shoyo: damn I'm even faster then I was before this is awesome!

He jumps and lands on a tree branch and launches off he notices that he destroyed the branch beneath him

Shoyo: maybe I should hold back a little I'd be making too much noise if I keep going like this

He jumps from tree too tree with less force than before and of course less speed

That's until he heared a lot of gun fire

Shoyo: guess Mai is fighting someone but process of elimination that person would definitely be maki


Shoyo and Maki are sparing at high speeds

Shoyo: Hey so let me guess your sister doesn't like you

Maki: how'd you figure that

Shoyo: Well she just kept insulting you it wasn't hard to figure out

They stop

Maki: yeah well she hates me because I left the clan to become a jujutsu sorcerer

Shoyo: Sounds pretty stupid if you ask me

Maki: well it's difficult to explain but we where at the bottom of the barrel in the clan nothing but servants and treated like such but despite all that I chose to leave the clan to become a jujutsu sorcerer because that's what I wanted to do

Shoyo: So let me guess because of that your sister resents you because I'm her mind you left her to suffer all by herself

Maki: yeah..that sums it up I could've stayed but I would've hated myself if I did I'll tell Mai that someday if she'll listen

Shoyo: even if she asks you why you did it don't apologise

Maki: I won't but why'd you say that

Shoyo: because my grandfathers last words to me and my brother was this he told us we where strong and to use that strength to help others

Maki smiles: sounds like a wise man

Shoyo: yeah he was so you should never apologise for being strong

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