Beyond limits

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The special grade then shoots itself at shoyo and shoyo has to jump to avoid it becuase if he too that punch head on his arms would shatter

So he jumps and delivers a powerful axe kick too the special grade but it just takes gets back up and punches shoyo in the gut and sends him flying with a shockwave

Shoyo gets back up

Shoyo: tch you don't but anywhere near as hard as Gojo
He rushes the beast and unleashes a barrage of powerful punches the beats strikes to whack him but shoto just ducks and flips back before rushing at him with another punch

Shoyo: (hmm they are clearly doing something but it's also not doing enough to take him down)

The cursed spirit then strikes shoyo in the face but shoyo just takes it and glares at the special grace

Then the curse and the sorcerer start getting into a heated slug fest neither of them giving an inch against each other

Shoyo: Eat this!

Shoyo strikes him with another punch this time powered up even further with his maximum cursed energy

The cursed stumble back

Shoyo: that was my adaptation of yuji's divergent fist

instead of two strikes he uses his insane speed to strike his opponent twice both with his full cursed energy

Rimuru: that's not a very strong technique it's just hitting him twice

Shoyo: I know buts not like I have many big attacks right now

Rimuru: hmm that's true tell ya what landing a last bit of damage on this freak should give you enough Xp too get a new power

Shoyo smirks looking ready to rumble

Shoyo rushes in and strikes the cursed spirit

He knees the beast in the jaw

Shoyo then wraps his legs around the beasts neck and slamming him with a head scissors

The curse gets up and strikes shoyo with another shockwave sending him flying into a tree breaking the tree

Shoyo feels himself healing and gets back up

The special grade unleashes a barrage of compressed air shoyo's gotta keep dodging he gets hit a few times but he maintains his composure

Shoyo rushes in dodging the attacks and strikes the beast over and over again

Rimuru: you still aren't really damaging it

Shoyo: yeah I know!

The beast swings shoyo blocks it skidding back but then its suddenly in his face and kicks him shattering his arms and sending him flying back again


Rimuru: you keep wanting me to trian you but you are progressing perfectly fine on your own

Shoyo: because its not fast enough I need to get stronger even faster

Rimuru: fine but you do know that you need to work on your mindset

Shoyo: hmm

Rimuru: I'm not saying you can't bring out your best but maybe try focusing on improving as you fight adapt to the opponent I'm not saying your speed blitz style isn't effective it's just not complete no matter how fast the attack is it means nothing if it doesn't hit hard focus on that

Flashback over

The beast seems to be gearing up too end this it's flying around picking up speed and momentum and then it fires itself right at shoyo

Beyond limits, Jujutsu kaisen x Male Oc Where stories live. Discover now