Chp 6

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In Poddar mansion

Abheera was in her room when armaan entered inside.

Excuse Mr Mr. Poddar you should knock before entering someone's room

Abheera said without looking at him.

But I can enter my girlfriend's room without any hesitation.

Abheera's head shot up at his words, her eyes wide with surprise. "Your girlfriend?" she repeated, a mix of emotions flashing across her

Armaan's cheeks turned a faint shade of pink as he realized his slip-up. "I mean... for now you are my girlfriend ," he stammered, trying to coverup

Abheera couldn't help the smile that tugged at her lips at his flustered response. She stood up from where she had been sitting on the bed, causing Armaan to take a step back, suddenly feeling off-balance in her presence.

"You know, Armaan," Abheera began, taking a deliberate step closer to him" Her voice was soft but there was a steely determination in her eyes that made Armaan's heart skip a beat

For now it's better if we just work according to our plan.

Abheera said moving away from him but armaan pulled her by her waist, his breath fanning on her neck.

Then why

don't we make our plan a little more interesting?" he whispered, his voice sending a shiver down Abheera's spine. She could feel her resolve wavering as she turned to face him, their eyes locking in a silent exchange of unspoken feelings.

Armaan leaned in slowly, giving Abheera a chance to pull away, but she remained rooted to the spot, unable to tear her gaze away from him. Their lips were inches apart when suddenly, the sound of footsteps approaching Abheera's room made them both jump apart.

It was Manisha, who entered the room with a smile that faltered as she noticed the tension between Armaan and Abheera. "Am I interrupting something?" she asked, looking between them curiously.

Abheera cleared her throat, trying to compose herself. "No, not at all. We were just talking," she replied quickly, shooting a meaningful look at Armaan.

Manisha nodded and left asking abheera to come to her room.

Even armaan left to his room ro avoid any interaction.

Meanwhile abheera hit her head thinking about what would happen if Manisha chachi didn't come.

Abheera's Pov

Abheera How could you get so close to armaan.

We could have... kissed.

No. It's fake. Everything is just a part of our plan.

Abheera thought to herself trying to calm her racing heart.

But why did he have to pull me in like that, making my heart race and my thoughts scatter? I need to focus; we can't let our emotions get in the way. I must go talk to Manisha chachi now and figure out our next move.

As Abheera made her way to Manisha's room, her mind was still reeling from the closeness she had shared with Armaan. She needed to push aside her feelings and concentrate on the task at hand. Knocking on Manisha's door, she was called in. Manisha was sitting on the bed, a concerned look on her face.

Abheera She wants to talk to you

Manish chachi gave her phone to abheera who gulped and was about to speak but stopped hearing the other person.

Who might be the caller?

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