Chp 7

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As Abheera made her way to Manisha's room, her mind was still reeling from the closeness she had shared with Armaan. She needed to push aside her feelings and concentrate on the task at hand. Knocking on Manisha's door, she was called in. Manisha was sitting on the bed, a concerned look on her face.

Abheera She wants to talk to you

Manish chachi gave her phone to abheera who gulped and was about to speak but stopped hearing the other person.

Abheera Akhil Raichand where the hell is you phone? Why aren't you picking my calls. Do you even know how stressed i was when I came to know that you left for udaipur. I

The person was about to continue but abheera cut her in between and said

Heer babes i’m sorry that I didn't informed you but we both know that you wouldn't have let me come here.

And i’m safe here.

But why love? I don’t want you to get in trouble because of me, please come back.

Heer relax. I can’t come back now. Afterall I have to complete my promise.

Fine but be careful.

Heer said sighing as she knew that abheera won’t listen to her.

What happened? Manisha chachi asked as abheera sat sat on the bed.

Nothing, just heer worrying as usual.

Wow toh hoga hi na abheera, you didn’t even tell her anything and came here.

She said and abheera sheepishly smiled at her.

Come i’ll make you favorite cupcakes

Manisha chachi said and they both went towards the kitchen.

Later at night.

In Abheera's room

Abheera was looking at the sky thinking about her late parents when armaan knocked and came inside.

Abheera without looking at him politely asked him to leave as she didn't want to talk to anyone.

Toh yeh ice cream bhi like jau kya?

Asked armaan as he came towards her with a smile holding the ice-cream tub.

Man nahi Hai please…

She was about to decline it but armaan thrusted a spoon ful of ice cream in her mouth who glared at him.

Armaan tum na

Abheera opened her mouth to speak but with her every word he was feeding her

the ice cream, making it impossible for her to deny the treat. Despite her initial resistance, Abheera couldn't help but soften at Armaan's playful persistence. She relented, allowing herself a small smile as she took the spoon from him, scooping up some ice cream and holding it out for him to eat.

Armaan's eyes sparkled as he leaned in to take the bite, their eyes meeting in a silent understanding. In that moment, as they shared the sweet treat, a sense of camaraderie washed over them, momentarily setting aside their facade of indifference.

As they finished the ice cream, Abheera felt a sense of ease settle between them. Armaan stayed by her side, not saying a word but offering silent comfort in his presence. The night passed peacefully, the moon casting a soft glow into Abheera's room as she found solace in the unexpected companionship of Armaan.

Before they knew it, sleep beckoned upon them as they drifted off to a peaceful slumber in each others embrace.

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