How could you ever tell yourself that you aren't beautiful?

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QOFD: Do you look down on others? "He's fat, she's ugly". Don't be arrogant and ungrateful. Allah gave you every thing He can also take it away.

Chapter 16: How could you ever tell yourself that you aren't beautiful??

Be grateful for all that you've been given. Be grateful for Allah Azzawajal's favors upon you. All of us have been shaped and fashioned, Allah Azzawajal describes not only creating us but moulding us perfectly how we were all individually meant to be molded. Externally, all of us are beautiful and perfect. Never let society try to tell you what defines beauty and what doesn't. Your height and weight don't matter, your nationality doesn't matter. The talents and strengths you either have or dont have don't matter. Whether you are rich or poor doesn't matter. Whether you are elevated into a position of power or have no position at all among the creation is irrelevant. We all have been perfectly created how Allah Azzawajal wanted us to be, and Allah Azzawajal doesn't make mistakes. Everything people have are gifts from Allah Azzawajal and surely for all things Allah has set a decreed measure, so be thankful, and be grateful to your Lord for all you have been blessed with. Ask Allah SWT to make you pleased with everything good and bad, and be patient for your duas to be answered. Dua is our best friend, Wallahi you can ask Allah SWT for all that you need and you will witness miracles happen in all of your affairs! And as for this moment in time..

Allah, the All Mighty, and All Wise has decreed your current situation, the way you look right down to every strand of hair which either is in place or used to be there, your personality which is always growing and maturing, all of it is from Allah SWT Himself, and it's for a special purpose in this exact moment of time and will continue to be perfect for the future in shah Allah for that moment in time. So please be grateful for what our Lord has blessed you with and never compare yourself to the creation for it is irrelevant. Ask questions that are worthy of being asking such as how can I improve the quality of my heart? the purity of my intentions and soul? What good deeds can I do today? Who can I pardon and be merciful to today? What areas of patience do I need to improve on? How does Allah think I should live? What perspective does Allah want me to have regarding the matters of this dunya and dealing with the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve (AS) ? We are all beautiful, we are all exactly where we are meant to be, and we all have exactly what we are meant to have by the Perfect Creator and Shaper of Beauty. All of us will be returned one day, and Allah Azzawajal will inform us of if we were among the grateful for the gifts he gave us... Or if we were discontent because we bought into societies lies and misconceptions about how they "think" things should be. All knowledge and Wisdom is with Allah Azzawajal. And surely Allah Azzawajal is the one who finds us lost, and guides us to His Mercy. Never forget how special you are to Allah SWT, never let anything in this dunya change that knowledge that Allah SWT loves you so much. Imperfect Is perfect to Allah SWT, orelse Allah would've made us perfect because everything Allah does is perfect.

A/N: Assalamualikum guys
Sorry for not updating guys! I'm just so busy now its Ramadan I'm up to the 16th siparah in Qur'an now. What about you guys tell me in comments.

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**Remember me in your Dua**

Lot's of love from
~ yazztaj

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