QOFD: Just remember you're blessed beyond measure. Every single day is a day you should treasure. Say Alhamdulillah
Chapter 34: The Shoes
Salim and a goodlooking handsome boy he lived a small village of Kashmir. He's father was a carpenter. They were very poor and could afford many things other then food.
Salim was in grade 5. As they were poor he could not afford to go by bus to the school and used to take a short cut
which was 10mins from his house by walking.As it is very cold out there he was feeling very cold as his shoes were torned and as a result they used to get wet. He
did not had a jacket too. For the first time he felt very bad that he's family was very poor and couldn't even afford to buy a pair of new shoes and a jacket for himself.As he was coming back form school imaging how good it had been if they had money to buy whatever they liked just then he hears addan for the zuhr Paryer form the nearby masjid which was quite close form his house.
He used to love to pray in the masjid so he takes off his bag and keeps it aside
a goes to make wudoo. As he sits to make wudoo he angrly takes of his shoes and throws it on the ground.As he makes wudoo he sees a handicap man walking towards the masjid he had only one leg.Salim goes to pray and after the payer thinks that that man might be able to afford to buy many shoes ,he might be rich but it is of no use to him .Salim then realises how ungrateful
he was to Allah. He thanks Allah for his legs and all the blessings he had given him.Hadith :
Always be content with what you have then you will be the best in Thanking Allah.
Ref: Idn Majah kitab Al Zudh hadith 24
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