QOFD: Allah will not Merciful to those who are not merciful to mankind.
chapter 31: Heal your sick through benevolence (part-1)
I notice the need for support on several fronts where prayers are requested. This prompted me to share a message I received
several days ago from Sidi Abass from London.
I translated it in order for everyone to benefit.
I know that this is a Dhikr posting only, but maybe it will help the healing some of us need.
خادمه تدخل الحمام لتفرغ حليب صدرها!! و كفيلتها ماذافعلت؟؟؟؟؟؟
This story is from the annals of the surreal. It's credibility depends on exceptional trust and a strong belief in The Prohetic message.
هذه قصة عجيبة لا يصدقها إلا مؤمنا بماجاء به الله ورسوله صلىالله عليه وآله وسلم ..
روى لي أحد الأخوان من بلدة ' حريملاء ' بلدة قريبة من العاصمةالرياض ..
I was told a story by a brother from Harimla', a suburb of the capital city of Riad.
أن إحدى النساء من نفس البلدة أصيبت ' بمرض سرطان الدم ' أعاذنا الله واياكم منه ..
Where a certain woman was inflicted with leukemia, may Allah protect you and us from it.
ولحاجتها للرعاية استقدمت خادمة اندونيسية ..
In her need for care, she hired a maid from Indonesia.
وكانت هذه المرأة صاحبة دين وخلق ..
The sick lady was polite and pious
وبعد مرور أسبوع تقريبا على حضور الخادمة ..
A week after having had the maid,
لاحظت هذه المرأة ان الخادمة تمكث طويلا في دورة المياة ..
the lady noticed that the maid spent too much time in the bathroom.
وأكثر من المعتاد وتتردد كثيرا على دورة المياة ..
More than normal and very frequent.
وفي إحدى المرات سألتها عن سبب بقاءها طويلا في الحمام ؟
Just after one of these occurrences, the lady asked her helper for the reason of the lengthy bathroom visits.
فأخذت الخادمة تبكي بكاءا شديدا ..
The maid cried profusely
وعندما سألتها عن سبب بكاءها ؟
When she was asked what made her cry, she said:
قالت : انني وضعت ابني منذ عشرين يوما فقط وعندما اتصل بي
المكتب في اندونيسيا ..
Must read islamic short stories
Short StoryBismillah Rabbi zidnee Ilman "My Lord! Increase me in my knowledge" Assalamualikum everyone I'm going to write some Islamic short stories these stories always inspired me to move on and more important is that, these stories helps me to get closer t...