QOFD: See the bad inside yourself, see the good inside others.
Chapter 44: Self Check Everyday
Did I read the Qur’an today? I can finish reading a 250-pages book in a day but why can’t I read a single verse(ayah) from the Qur’an (in which in it are words from the One who has given me eyes and enable me to read and see?)
Why didn’t I pray today? Is my spending time with my friends better than praying to the One who has given me life (to experience the luxuries of His creations?)
_____Have you ever questioned yourself this way? Has it every come to your mind to do these daily checkings on how you are doing with your deen over your doings with your worldly life?
If not, then I suggest you start doing by now. in sha Allah. For this, I would like to share this beautiful character that ‘Umar Ibn Al Khattab Radiyallahu Anhu is very known for.
Whenever you study or even just read summarized events about the life of ‘Umar, you would never be able to shun away yourself on this incredible way of self-checking that ‘Umar RA used to do.
He always practiced Al Muhasabah (self-inventory) in a manner that is just exceptional.
During his reign as the Ameer ul Mu’mineen, he would go to the people and ask them about their needs; if they told him about them then he would meet those needs. But he told them not to distract him with personal complaints when he was dealing with matters of public interest.
One day he was busy dealing with some public matter when a man came to him and said: “O Ameer ul Mu’mineen, come with me and help me deal with so and so, for he has wronged me.”
‘Umar raised his stick and hit the man on the head, and said, You ignore ‘Umar when he comes and checks on you, then when he is busy dealing with the Muslims’ affairs you come to him!”
The man went away complaining, then ‘Umar said, “Bring the man to me!”
When they brought him back, ‘Umar threw the stick to him and said, “Take the stick and hit me with it as I hit you.” The man said, “No, O Ameer ul Mu’mineen. I give it up for the sake of Allah and for your sake.”
‘Umar said, “Not like that. Either give it up fro the sake of Allah and seeking the reward that is with Him, or give it up for my sake.”
The man said, “I give it up for the sake of Allah, O ’Ameer ul Mu’mineen.”
The man went away, and ‘Umar went to his house, accompanied by some people among whom was Al Ahnaf Ibn Qays RA, who narrated what he saw...
“He (’Umar) started to pray and he prayed two rak’ahs then sat. He said, “O son of Al Khattab, you were lowly and Allah raised you in status; you were astray and Allah guided you; you were humble and Allah honored you, then He put you in charge of the Muslims. Then a man came asking your help and you hit him. What will you say to your Lord tomorrow when you meet Him?’
And he started to criticize himself in a manner that made me think that he was the best of people on earth.”
_____Subhan’Allah. Indeed, this is just one of the many moments in his life where his practice of Al Muhasabah just inspired and puts whoever reads about it in a state of pondering and even questioning about how he or she is doing with his deen.
I wanted to share this story today because I believe we all need such stories that would provoke us to think about our life, how we are spending it and how we are doing with our deeds.
My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, indeed in today’s time we are surrounded with so many temptations and it is such a high time that we strengthen our walls against these temptations that lure us to do sins.
Day by day, try to evaluate yourself. If you missed a prayer, ask yourself why did you. If you didn’t read the Qur’an, ask yourself why? After that, remind yourself of the blessings and favors that Allah has poured upon you. Then remember how many sins we have done and are still doing yet His Mercy still prevails and forgives us.
Remember that what truly pushed ‘Umar RA to practice this Al Muhasabah was not because he wanted to be praised for it but he did it for his own soul for he had deep fear of Allah, yes it was his fear of Allah more than anything else.
_____And we pray that every reader gets enlightened with this short narration and be encouraged to practice it daily as well.
Umm Umar Khaled
_____Stories were taken from
• Al Farooq, Ash Sharqawi, p. 222
• Ibid
• Mahd as Sawab, 2/305
• عمر بن الخطاب، شخصيته وعصره
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