QOTS: Your life is nothing more than a love story between you & Allah. Every person every experience, every gift, every loss, every pain is sent on your path, for one reason and one reason only, To bring you back to Him.
Chapter 18: My Mum's reversion story by Umm Raiyaan.
I received some amazing news last night from a dear friend of mine, Umm Raiyaan. Subhan'Allah, after 16 years of da'wah, struggles, pressure and many disheartening moments, her mother finally accepted Islam. She wanted nothing more than for her mum to be guided, to taste the sweetness of Iman, and the hope of being united in Jannah.
I remember when my mother passed away, one thing that Umm Raiyaan said which really helped ease my pain and
put things into perspective was the thought that at least my mother had died as a believer and thus there is only great hope and joy. I realised how deep this was coming from someone whose own mother was not a believer. It's amazing how Allah guides. Umm Raiyaan's mother was
someone who initially fought against her daughter's belief and even cursed the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam),
but like 'Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra), the same tongue which was capable of that, was also capable of uttering the testimony of faith and was soon praising that very same
...And isn't it just incredible that her mother accepted Islam after watching and learning about 'Umar himself.
Please read her heartfelt story below, and I ask everyone to make du'a for Umm Raiyaan's mother - that Allah keeps her
firm upon Islam, that He strengthens her and her family, and unites them all in Paradise - and us all too with our families.
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My Mum's reversion story by Umm Raiyaan Firstly, I would like to say how beautiful it has been to
receive hundreds of messages of joy and ad'aiya at the
news of my mother embracing Islam. Many of you have
asked me 'How?' and 'What happened?' And so grab a cup
of something...here is my mother's story...
I embraced Islam in 1999. As a new Muslim, I lacked
hikmah (wisdom) in how I dealt with my mother. I so badly
wanted her to taste the sweetness of emaan but gave her
dawah in quite a harsh 'black and white' manner. Needless
to say, it put her off and her previous negative view of Islam
only intensified.
Our relationship over the following 16 years has been a very
turbulent one. There were many arguments, she criticised
my decision to become Muslim, and couldn't understand
how I would leave my 'trendy' ways to don the full hijab.

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