The Owl House Series - Episode 1 - A New Life - Part 1

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Perspective of Luz Noceda:

Life of the Boiling Isles is still not the same. Feels life every day there is something new happening. But the good news is, we finally have peace. School started again, and I thought it would be weird, but I love it. I have my friends, my mom and my studies could not be going better! All my teachers already love me 'wink' . And plus, I have only gotten into a few shenanigans lately. My friends and I were all in the hallway, laughing about something Gus did during class. It was an illusion that the teacher did not even see. 'laughs' We were about to head to lunch when the very loud voice called out my name over the loud speaker.

"Luz Noceda, please report to the headmasters office immediately! Thank you."

Everyone looked at me like I was in the wrong.

"Oh no Luz, what did you do now?" said Amity in shock but also laughing at the fact that it is only a few days into the year and I am already getting called down.

"What, I haven't done anything, recently. Okay, maybe it is about the giraffe incident." I said covering my face in embarrassment.

"Please tell me you did not do something stupid to get yourself expelled?" Willow said hugging her new boyfriend, Hunter, whose arm was around her. She was not shocked if she did already do something to get herself screwed over.

"Well, I went and visited the new giraffe exhibit and they looked lonely, so I opened the door, just for a second, and maybe one snuck out,"

"Titan, give me strength," said Gus, hoping and praying for protection against the evil giraffes.

"Just be honest about what happened, and hopefully, they will be nice and go easy on you. We all know what big heart you have." Willow said, praying for the same as Gus.

"Let's hope," said Amity.

"Well, no more stalling, get a move on human." said Hunter.

I took a deep breath, kissed Amity on the cheek, and I start the walk of shame, hoping for the best scenario to happen. As I approach the door, I push my hair back, knocked on the door, and a voice says, "Enter." So, I walk through the door, and immediately started to plead my case.

"All I can say is that I worked alone, so if you want to send me to detention, I won't give you any names. So, go ahead, do you worst." I said in fear. The Head Master looked at me in confusion.

"Ms. Noceda, what are you on about. You're not in trouble, that is not why I called for you. But, what were you . . ."

"Oh okay, great, and that's nothing. Don't worry about it, So why am I here then?" I said cutting her off and in confusion but also relief. The Head Master looked at me puzzled but continued.

"Okay? Ms. Noceda, I have a request for you."

"Okay, now I am really confused."

"Please, don't interrupt me until I'm finished, okay?"

"Sounds easy enough." I said as I relaxed in my chair.

"Alright, so we are getting a new student, and I am pretty sure, she is from your home realm." the Head Master Fellowes starts.

"Wait, is it a human? Has another human come through the portal?!" I said with excitement.

"Oh no," the Head Master says humorously. "I don't think we will ever be getting another of your kind anytime soon, but she is indeed from your realm. She is a Seelie, I think the proper term in your world is 'fairy'?" Fellowes continues until . . .

"There are fairies in the human realm. All of my dreams have come true!!" I said basically bouncing in my chair.

"Ms. Noceda, no interrupting remember and stay on topic please!" says the Head Master who was now getting frustrated.

"Oh right, shutting up now." I said sitting back normally in my chair and staying quiet.

'Sigh' "Anyways, Seelies and Witches have not been on good terms for many centuries now, but we hope to fix that. So, we are going to have a Seelie come and stay here on the Boiling Isles for some time to see if we can make peace with these creatures. And while she is here, she will be taking a few courses to get to know our history, the people, etc. But considering, this is a new experiment and with your track record, being from the same realm, and saving ours on multiple occasions, the council figured you were the best option for this job. Your job is to make her feel comfortable, show her around the Isles, and check on her every once in a while. Do you think you can handle this, Ms. Noceda?" Once, the Head Master was done talking, my head was spinning! The fact that there were real fairies in my realm this whole time, but I had like a thousand questions; why were they there, how did they get there, could they have magic, but none of that mattered right now, I had to answer her question.

"Yes, Head Master, I would be honored for this quest." I said standing up and with confidence.

"Perfect, we will meet her at the front gate tomorrow at ten o'clock sharp. Don't be late! And, the head master's tone shifted, Just between us, she is in line to take over the throne very soon. So, it only seems right, for their soon to be leader, to be the one responsible with this task." My eyes get wider and wider, but I was shaking with joy.

"Noted, Head Master. I will do my best."

"Thank you, Luz. I don't want this to feel like a burden, but this could be huge for us. This could end centuries of fighting."

No pressure right.

"I understand, you can count on me." I say with a smile.

"Okay, meet me at the gate tomorrow, prove me wrong about you!"

"Got it." As I was heading out to the door, the Head Master says,

"Also, about the reason you thought you were here?" Before she could finish the question, I cut her off and say,

" Oh, would you look at the time! Gotta run, see you tomorrow, BYEEEEE!!!" And I rush out the door.

Perspective of Hazel Viatrix:

It is crazy to think that I will be in a whole new realm in a matter of hours. I mean, I barely leave home so this is a huge stretch for me. My entire future, my home, my family and friends, everything could change for the better or for the worst, all this pressure is on my shoulders to not mess this up. I guess I should get used to it, becoming queen, is full of changes of its own. But for right now, all that matters is that this goes well. Dad is trusting me with this "mission," I have to prove to him that I'm ready for this, I just hope everything goes well. I have been packing for what feels like forever, but I think I'm ready. I really hope that the witches don't see me as that big of an outsider or even a monster. As I close up the last box, Mirack, my handler, best friend, and escort knocks on the door.

"Almost ready, your majesty?" he says with a calm tone. He still calls me that, even though I hate it and he knows that, that's why he does it.

I slowly open the door and say, "Yes, I think I have everything." He walks into the empty room and meets my eyes.

"Now, there is no reason to be nervous. You shouldn't be gone for that long and you'll blink, and you will be back here, getting ready for your coronation. I'm going to really miss that beautiful face of yours." He says will respect. He has been my childhood best friend for as along as I can remember, and I know, he is probably the one person on this entire plain who cares about me. But I know, I can do this. Time to change history. I look at him and smile and we walk out the room. As we go to the front of the castle, my dad and little sister, Hope, are standing there. Hope runs up to me and hugs so close I can barely breathe. My dad looks at me and says,

"Good luck, my little song bird. I know you will do great things one day, but it all starts here." I look at him with tears in my eyes and he wipes my cheek to wipe them away and gives me a hug. I look back at Hope one last time, then Mirack and I start walking, there is a portal in the forest that will take us to the realm. I turn around at my home, then step foot into the forest and to the portal.

To Be Continued, Go To Part 2 . . .

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