The Owl House Series - Episode 3 - Dark Times Part 2 - Part 1

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Hey, sorry for the last part being hard to listen to or read. I know that is a touching subject, that's why I said a trigger warning. The rest of the series should not be like that so don't worry, or maybe so. But, please let know what you guys think, leave a comment or a like. But let's start this episode off so, let's get started with Episode 3 - Dark Times Part 2 - Part 1

Perspective of Luz Noceda:

As we fly to the market, I'm still trying to keep my head on right. I don't get it, I never get like this. I don't know if it is the fact that I feel helpless and this is way out of my control, or I'm just scared because I have no idea what Amity is going through right now. It's okay, we have Hazel now, to help figure this out. I do feel bad for her; I had no idea about her mom; I'm trying not to think about my dad at a time like this, but let's face it, I think about him all the time. That reminds me, I should probably go see my mom soon, wait, is the date coming up or not? Oh no, another thing to worry about, no, Luz focus, Amity needs you. We land in the market, the place is still in chaos after the attack, from those beast things. We look around and then go into the alley. I'm a little mad and annoyed so I have a very serious expression right now on my face through this whole ordeal. 

"It was over there." I say trying to keep my cool and not get mad and cry at the same time. We all walk over to the spot and watch Hazel as she gets down on her knees, puts her hands together and shuts her eyes. There was a huge gust of wind, then these red little sparkles start to appear, everywhere. She moves her hands in a tiny circle and a ball of light appears. She opens her eyes, which are now glowing gold. She looks shocked and says,

"Wow, that's definitely something." She says. We all look at each other confused because we don't see anything. 

"What? There's nothing here." Gus says puzzled.

"Oh right, one sec." We all look confused and then she slowly lifts the ball of light into the air and we can see what she sees. It looks like very dark, reddish mist, everywhere.

"What is all of this?" Hunter says while he goes to touch it. I can't blame him, it does look soft.

"These are the fragments that they left behind." She says as she points to the mist. "Look, usually, the darker in color of the fragments means the age of the magic, and this is almost jet black, so whoever this is, is very old and seems to have been here a very long time." Great, an evil, old, bad Seelie. Is anyone else getting Eda vibes; sorry, just me. 

"So, can you track it, right?" Willow says to try and speed things up. I don't notice but my hands are shaking.

"Yeah, magic this old is very rare so it should be fairly easy to track." She does a weird hand movement with her red 'sparkles' that are following her. She makes what looks like a tornado and pushes it out, to reveal what she says 'should be a path to the source.' Her eyes are still glowing and she says she can see it. Great, we are one step closer to ending this madness. I just hope we won't be too late. "Come on, this way." She reveals her wings this time and everyone stands there with their mouths open for a second. "What, oh yeah, sorry, I know it's weird."

"You're fine Hazel. They're as beautiful as ever." I say to break the silence again.

"You had those this whole time?!" Gus says as everyone moves closer.

"Yeah?" Hazel proclaims.

"Cool!" Great, it's good to finally see some progress here.

"Okay, you guys ready?"

"Ready, let's go take down this evil Seelie and show them not to mess with us!" Willow says with confidence, we all look at her and smile. We all hop on our palisman and start the flight to Amity.

Perspective of Hazel Viatrix:

You know, I thought I would be the odd ball here, considering these guys don't really know me, but I seem to be making progress with Willow and Gus, Hunter, not so much. I get it, I'm trying not to over think everything but it is really hard when I can literally hear Hunter whisper in their ears! Keep it together Hazel, bury it like you always do. Being in line for the throne back home, it's hard to tell who your true friends are and it can be a lot. I never really left the castle much, unless I was with Mirack, which was like once every few weeks. So, I never really had any real friends or got a chance to find any good ones, before besides him, but maybe, being here will help with that. I just hope everything goes well. While we were walking which I suggested because it would be better to stay low in case they can see us when we are close, I heard Hunter whisper something to Willow and Gus.

"How are you guys all of a sudden okay with this? She's a Seelie, should I remind you guys, that's the beast that took Amity in the first place! For all we know, she's lying and leading us to our deaths!" Okay, that's it. It's one things to judge me just for being a different creature then them, but it's completely different when he starts to question and spread things that aren't true about my character! I spin around and say,

"Have something to share with the class, Hunter?" I was annoyed and everyone could tell.

"Look, no offense, but how can we trust you? We barely know you and your kind caused this mess in the first place, we could be walking into a trap!" Luz tries to say something but I fire back before she could get a chance to say anything.

"First of all, when a dark Seelie takes a soul, depending on who, it can last a very long time. So, they probably have not fed in this life time. Also, I can't force you to trust me, that's your choice but fun fact about Seelies, WE CAN NOT LIE!! So even if I wanted to "lead you guys into a trap" you would know! So, please, if you have an issue with me, at least have the heart to say it to my face." I turn back around and continue walking. I know they were all shocked I said something, but I had to; just to get them to all get off my back. The whole rest of the walk, Hunter said nothing, finally! As we approached what seemed to be a castle, I told everyone to duck and hide so we can figure out some sort of plan.

"Okay, I know that was a little heated back there but let's focus. If I could suggest anything, it would be to be quiet, go in discreetly. We have the upper hand here. They don't know we are here yet, and that you guys have another Seelie on your side. Amity will probably be close to them, in case she . . . you know."

"Sounds great, but one question, how do we get in with all those?" Luz asks pointing to the beasts out front guarding. Everyone thinks, then I have an idea.

"Oh I know, but it might be weird. How do you guys feel about going small? And yes Luz, we can shrink." Luz looks shocked because I guessed what she was going to say.

"Sounds good to us! Anything to get in there." Willow says with confidence, nudging Hunter to nod to agree.

"Okay then, let's do this." Luz says. I can tell she has been on edge this whole time. I can't quite put my finger on the real reason why quite yet, but oh well. I do my hand movements into the spell to make us shrink into the size of quarters. We are able to sneak past the guards and slid through the side of the door. Once we are all in and hiding once again, I return everyone to their normal size. We walk through the corridors, very quietly until we get to a big, open room, and there she is. Both Amity and the Souler Snitch. The Seelie is sitting on what looks to be a throne of some kind and Amity is on the floor unconscious. Luz lunges to help Amity but I stop her. I reveal the barrier around her. In order to get the barrier down, we have to deal with the Seelie first. Luz does a hand gesture to say she is going to put her glyphs in places to attack her. Willow gets her plants and herself ready. Hunter grabs his palisman and holds it tight and Gus disappears, for some illusion thing. I had an idea, so I pan off from the group while they keep the Seelie distracted. Luz sets off her glyphs and let the games begin! 

To Be Continued . . . . . . .

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