The Owl House Series - Episode 1 - A New Life - Part 3

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Hey, hope you guys are loving this so far. So sorry that this first episode is three parts. I did not realize when I was writing how long this would be. So, going forward, be prepared for parts to the episodes, unless you guys would prefer to have them all in one and just scroll forever, let me know! Otherwise, here is Episode 1 - A New Life - Part 3

Perspective of Luz Noceda:

I think that went well. I know being new can be hard for most, so I think I did a good job making her feel welcomed. I know I was probably annoying or a lot to handle at times, but she seemed to match my energy pretty well, so I'm not too nervous. I tried to get her to come to meet everyone tonight but I guess some people need some time to warm up and adjust, which is totally fine. But I think peace between Seelies and Witches is in our reach. I left the campus and made my way over to the cafe where everyone was meeting, our end of the week rant session, mandatory! As I enter the doors, I see my friends all talking in our usual spot. 

Is it just me or does Amity seem on edge? She told me the other day that she has been getting these horrible head aches; that it sounds like a high pitches squeak in her ears, constantly. So, I told her to take it easy, but she runs around everywhere and she never gets to breathe anymore, not even for a second. I feel like we haven't seen each other or hung out, outside of school, since it started. That is why these little meetings are so important to us. I sit down and put my arm around my beautiful girlfriend and listen in to whatever they are debating about. Gus is ranting about something that he read in a book about the human realm and "how much it has it all wrong!" and how much he wants to run up to the author and tell them off. Then to stop the argument, Hunter asks,

"So, how was your tour with the Seelie? Were they scary, did they have red glowing eyes that seep into your soul?!" Hunter starts and then Willow and Gus chime in.

"Oh and huge, big claws that can cut into your insides?!" Gus says with imitating hand movements. I swear, my best friends are paranoid sometimes.

"Don't listen to them," Amity says to stop their stupid theories. "All of our lives we were told horror stories about Seelies and their evil, lying ways, but I told them that she was nothing like that. Clearly, they did not listen." she says looking at them with a deep death stare to tell them to shut up.

"Sorry, but you can't blame us. They sounded terrifying as kids. They haunted my nightmares for years!" Willow says, then Gus chimes in again. "Yeah, my dad told me that an evil Seelie would sneak into our house, and eat me if I didn't get my grades up sometimes."

"Well, that sounds dumb." I say to clear the air. "Because I think that is highly unlikely. Hazel seems really nice. Probably would be smart to just give her time to warm up and to ease her way into our world, and everything that we do. I mean, it's not easy for everyone to immediately fit in and be themselves five seconds into a new place, and in front of new, strange people."

"You didn't seem to have any issues with that." Amity says looking up at me. I blush slightly, because it was very true. 

"But anyways, she just needs people around her to help bring those walls down and be herself, for once." I say.

"You're too optimistic human. All I think we were trying to say was to be careful and to watch your back. We would not be told these stories for nothing." Hunter says with a hint of panic in his eyes. 

"And I'm not saying I won't, but try not to immediately judge someone before you get to know them." I say as Hunter lowers his head slightly. 

"Cheers to that!" Amity says, lifting her glass in the air and we all clink them together. After we all put our glasses down, Amity puts her hand over her head, the headaches seem to be getting worse, by the looks of it. I thought it was nothing, just stress or something but it seems to be really bothering her. I whisper to her, 'are you doing okay?' and she just nods her head and says i'm fine', but she adds, 'it's weird, at first they were just head aches, but now they sound like a high pitched screams, like an actual scream now, a painful one. But it's nothing, I promise, probably just stress.' she says reluctantly. I say 'okay, if you say so'. I pull her in for an over the shoulder hug and the night goes on as normal, laughing, talking, complaining, and more laughing, we had a great time. 

Maybe sometime, I can show these guys the truth about Hazel, that she is not that bad, just putting on a brave face, but we shall see. All I can hope for is that those stories about the Seelies were not true, even though I know they were just fun games parents would tell their kids about to make them behave. I hope Hazel is doing alright for being new and everything. But she seems tough enough. I hope that over the next few days, she will break out of her shell more, but one can only hope. As for school, I know when I get back to campus, I will have a long night ahead of me, but for the moment, I just want to enjoy a nice, calm, night with my closest friends before I fry my brain.

The End of Episode One . . . 

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