The Owl House Series - Episode 3 - Dark Times Part 2 - Part 2

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Hey, sorry for this episode being so long, but this is the last part so don't worry. Let me know what you guys think about the complete episode and I hope you have enjoyed this so far. Sorry for this part being so long. I really did not want to split it up again, so enjoy a very long part! Besides that, here is the final part of Episode 3 - Dark Times Part 2 - Part 2

Perspective of Luz Noceda:

When I saw Amity, my first instinct was to run over there, and get her out of there but thanks to Hazel, I stopped. I can't believe I almost blew the whole plan into the water just because of instinct. We all separated and executed the plan. I set off my glyphs to get her attention. She jumps back and she gets angry. 

"Oh, a turn of events! This should be fun!" I run up to her flaring fire saying,

"Leave her alone!" I burn her eyes enough so Willow can come in and tie her up with veins. That does not last long. She breaks free and jumps up and swings at Willow. Hunter comes in and gets her out of the way. Gus uses his illusions to keep her distracted for a moment and I look over to Hazel. What is she doing? Why is she drawing on the floor at a time like this?!  Whatever, we all attack her at the same time, trying to keep her steady. We managed to get a few good hits in before she exploded with anger and sent us all flying again. I look over to Hazel again and she seems to be drawing symbols on the ground. What in the world?  I scream over to her but she ignores me. We were all pretty tired by this point and then the Seelie says,

"Stop all this! You know you can't beat me. I will not be bested by a group of witches!" She uses her magic to pin all of us to the ground. We can't move and can barely breathe. It felt that all the air in the room was being taken away. Is this what Amity felt like back at the alley? Just as I was about to close my eyes, Hazel moves in front of us.

"Stop!" The Seelie looks at her shocked.

"What is this, another Seelie, a good one. Well, isn't this shocking!" She says with her deep voice.

"Stop, leave them all alone!" Hazel says.

"Now why in the world would I do that? Better question, why is a Seelie like you helping them, witches of all people? Do you know what their kind did to us; they don't deserve your devotion or help in any matter."

"They did nothing wrong, and no matter who they are, they don't deserve to die for something their ancestors did! This doesn't involve them, it never did." I can barely think but I get it. I look over to Amity and she does not look good at all. It's like the life is being drained from her. "So, please, let them all go, and, take mine instead!" I'm shocked, are my eyes playing games with me.

"Now, why in the world would I do that, darling?" The Seelie says as she moves closer to Hazel.

"Think about it . . . " she says looking over to Amity, "How long does a witches soul last you? A few decades, maybe. But mine would last way longer. Just let them all go and you can have mine!" I can barely breathe but I manage to get a few words out.

"Hazel . . . you don't . . . have . . . to do that!" I say with a raspy voice.

"Yes I do, you need Amity way more than you need me, please let me do this!" She says looking back to me and everyone. She turns back around to the Seelie. The Seelie grabs her by the throat and brings her in close. 

" You know, I'm no fool. I would say you were lying but we both know you can't. How is that, always on edge, wanting to scream but you bury that feeling down deep! It's been so long, but I always remember that, the restriction, the desire to break. But you aren't lying?!"

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