chapter one

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Lixue smiled from across the room, clapping along with everyone else as her best friend accepted the proposal from her long term boyfriend. She was happy for her, of course. It's been a long time coming. 

But deep down, she felt the puncute, twist and turn of a dagger in her heart as she watched as all her close friends were married off, having kids, and enjoying love. Lixue felt that she was falling behind in life, still working the same desk job for the last seven years. Finger still bare and no future of having kids.

Putting on a brave face, Lixue surrounded her friend with the other, not wanting to look like a hater. She gushed at the ring and complimented the cut. Truly, it was beautiful and very much her style.

"Now we're waiting on you." 

Lixue laughed, as she internally agonized over the comment. Waiting for her would be waiting for a lifetime. If that, being with Theodore for ten years and there was still no ring.

"I'll tell Teddy you said that." Lixue giggled as she hugged her.

As the celebration went on, Lixue found a quiet corner to call Theodore, again, as he was more than late to the party. When he did answer, all she could hear was a loud game of football playing on the TV. Lixue was more than annoyed, she was aggravated.

"Teddy!" She snapped.

"Yeah, babe?" 

Lixue screwed her eyes shut as she counted back from ten, she then took a deep breath and sighed. 

"Do you understand how late you are right now?" She asked.

"Shit— it's today? I'm so sorry, love." He muttered.

The TV silenced and she could hear shuffling and things falling over. Each bump and bang made her head pound with a headache as she wanted so badly to scream. Instead, Lixue ended the call and slipped out the door.

Seeing the entire driveway filled with cars, she was glad that she was smart enough to park on the street. The fifteen minute drive back to her house felt shorter as she sped past the speed limit, just a bit. She slammed the car door shut as she got out and stalked up the driveway.

As she opened the door, Theodore was coming downstairs fully dressed and his bald head shined. His eyes widened as he realized that he was probably in deep shit. Lixue took a step towards him and his arms shot up over his head as he backed away.

"Baby, I'm so sorry, okay? I forgot and I just wanted to relax just a bit before heading out." He threw out excuses.

Lixue stared up at him, almost as she was looking through him. Theodore slowly lowered his arms as he approached her slowly. Knowing that she could attack at any moment, he protected his jewels.

Pecking a light kiss on her cheek, Lixue turned her head before he could. Theodore groaned and pulled her against him while her arms laid limp to her sides. He lifted her head up to look at her.

"What is your issue? It's just a fucking party." He complained.

"Felicity just got engaged."  Lixue informed him as she cocked her head to the side.

She glared at him as he rolled his eyes and pulled away from her. Theodore knew that he was about to hear about that shit for the next couple of day. Sitting on the couch, he readied himself for the blowout.

"You wanna get married because your friends getting married?" He provoked.

"I just want to know where the hell this relationship is going! Ten years, ten fucking years, and nothing." 

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