Chapter Eight: Purple Lightning

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"With the clone army stretched in a desperate attempt to engage General Grievous' starfleet, Separatist planets that were once thought secure are now rising up against the Republic On Geonosis, Separatist leader Poggle the Lesser, safe in his newly ray-shielded factories, creates thousands of terrible new weapons which march off the assembly line against the outnumbered clone army. The Jedi, resolute in their effort to restore order to the Republic, mount a massive invasion to retake Geonosis and shut down Poggle's factories of terror once and for all!"

Obiwan and Anakin Are aboard their ship, looking at the planet Geonosis.

"I cannot believe we're back here again." Obiwan said

"Well the Geonosians don't want to play nice anymore, and their revolt was stronger than we anticipated."

"The same can be said for their loyalty to Count Dooku." Obiwan replies, as they talk their two padawans finally return. (Y/n) and Ashoka. (Y/n) looking more confident, this time having something added to his set, a short shoulder purple cape covering his left arm, his saber arm. It has embedded letters into its cloth. "Tyir Shakka", Twi'lek for purple Lightning.

"You're late." Obiwan scowls at his Padawan.

"Sorry, Master, Ahsoka and I took longer to route the Seppies near Dorin than I expected."

"My squadron alone had 55 kills." She said with confidence.

"Well, mine had 76." (Y/n) smugly replies.


"Well, I'm glad you two are enjoying yourselves." Anakin said, actually pretty proud.

"Hey, it's just a little friendly competition, Master, nothing to worry about."

"What I worry about is the way this war seems to be drawing out with no end in sight."

"Which is why it is crucial our invasion of Geonosis meets with success." General and Jedi Master Ki-Adi enters the command deck, he looks towards the two masters.

"Agreed. Ahsoka, contact the Outer Rim Command. We're ready for our briefing."

"They're already waiting for us."

The briefing begins, The main five give a rundown to General Liminara, Palpatine and Widu and Master Yoda.

"Our ships are in position and we are ready to begin our campaign against the Geonosians." Obiwan said

"And what about Poggle? Any report on his location?" Windu inquires, and Obiwan shows on the Holo Map a large facility that seems to only have one way of movement, a large singular bridge.

"It seems he's holed up at the primary droid foundry here. The factory is protected by a shield generator. Anakin, Ki-Adi and I shall attempt a three-pronged attack through their defense lines to a staging area just short of the shield. Once we've landed, we shall knock out the shield generator. That is our primary target." Obiwan explains.

"Isn't it risky committing three generals to one area of the attack? If something went wrong, we could be dealt a serious blow." Palpatine said

"To ensure that rise again Geonosis does not, capture Poggle we must." Yoda said, reassuring the Chancellor.

"Of course. As always, I shall leave the strategy to you, Master Jedi." Palpatine said, obviously out of his league.

"Our thanks, Chancellor." Obiwan smirks

"May the Force be with you." Windu signs off, and the meeting ends.

"Good. Cody, these are the coordinates for the rendezvous." Obiwan shows the small landing before the bridge.

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