~Chapter Ten~ Get X The X Target

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~Day 1 of 7~

This day already had already given me my expectations of how this week will go. I had been on this island for I don't know how many hours and have yet to see another person walking around. My hope for this phase to be fairly easy was rapidly depleting every step I took through the woods.

I stand in the middle of a valley with my hands in my pockets, looking up at the slowly setting sun. I let out a loud groan as I put my head back down, hearing the bushes rustle then I hum, looking to my right. I then turn my entire body towards the bush, letting out a deep sigh as I bring my hands together, cracking my knuckles.

"Get out of the bush." I call out. "You're wasting your time thinking you'll get me." I insult then someone lunges from out of the bush.

The girl cries out in determination as she runs at me with a sharpened stick in her hand, ready to stab me. I sigh as I grab her wrist holding the stick and pull her past me, elbowing the middle of her back in the process. She gasps as I then knee her sternum, feeling one of her rib bones crack.

She falls flat on her stomach, unconscious, from all of the oxygen in her body quickly leaving. I huff as I squat down, searching her pockets for her tag. I pull out her tag, seeing it was #111, not the tag I was looking for.

"Þetta verður að duga í bili... (This'll have to do for now...)" I mutter then I walk away.

I look up at the sky, seeing it was already dark and the moon wasn't giving off enough light to keep on looking for people. I walk down a dirt road of the valley, finding a river with a big tree next to it. I stand at the bottom of it and look up, finding branches I could use to climb up. I jump up and grab a branch, pulling myself up then rapidly climbing up the tree to the top of it.

I sit on a thick enough branch to hold me up, looking at the tag I just received. I put the tag in my pocket and rest my head on the trunk of the tree, closing my eyes and falling asleep.

~Day 2 of 7~

I hop down from the tree I slept in and walk towards the river. I crouch by the edge of it, getting a quick drink of water. I then hear someone cheer and I look up, seeing Gon cheer with a bird wrapped up in the line of his fishing rod and he reels it in. I chuckle as I stand up, walking over to him.

"I'm pretty sure that's not what a fishing rod is used for." I comment then he looks over at me with a smile.

"I'm practicing to take my target's tag!" He exclaims then I squat next to him, untangling the bird from the line.

"Are you not able to fight your target?" I ask him then he shakes his head. "Who's your target?" I ask him.

"Hisoka." He answers then I look at him with wide eyes.

"I don't think I'd even be able to help you on that one, bud." I comment then he shakes his head.

"That's why I'm trying this method instead. That way I won't have to get close to him to get his tag." Gon explains then I nod.

"Seems like a pretty useful method to me." I agree then Gon grins at me.

"Addie, who is your target?" He asks me then I shrug.

"#281. I have no clue who it is." I tell him then I pull out the random girl's tag. "I did already get a point though. Some chick tried to attack me, but she was too easy to fight. Honestly, a waste of my time." I tell him.

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