One hand one hook one nightmare.

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I instantly switched my phone to camera mode and took a few pitchers of the child while he was still staring at me motionless...

"You ok?" I ask softly,kneeling infront of the child."" "Mario?...freddy! This is the kid!" I say quickly,looking back....he wasnt there......

"Freddy...." I ask softly.nothing."freddy? Babe?" "He's with freddy now..".

"Who...." I mumble,looking back down.the child giggles and grabs my hand...he's hand wasn't scratchy..nor was it was like...the feeling of a school bag.

"I'll show you..he may be busy...".the child's voice was scratchy...and sounded hurt...I felt bad...I should take this kid to the hospital but then me and the others will get in trouble for trespassing...

"Who left you here? Where's your parents.." I ask."oh....after foxy killed mike,Vincent came out and killed some other kids along with my parents the others fled the were left here alone..and stuck inside this place,we can't go...we can't be free.." He whimpers,clutching my hand.

"Where's my friends?.." I ask shakily as he easily pushes a solid door open that led to behind the stage."we only have one,freddy might have him.he gets very bored when foxy won't pick fights with usually hell attack any human he sees that is an adult!" "Who's friends name is also freddy..." I mutter.

The child stops and gasps."OH NO" he lets go and runs into the pitch black.



"Damn.....that's a nice ass..." "WHAT" "IM LOOKING AT DONKEYS" I yell back at Chica.she growls and slams the pillow over my feet."marionette stop fucking the biscuit container and give me some you slut" I say,he throws the box at me and lays back down.

"You ate them all!" "My house,my food" he giggles."get over it,not like you need the extra fat" Chica mumbles."oi! I'm only 64!" "Yeah and freddys a year older and he's almost like me 53! ( weight)

"Bonnies like 28,he's light as fuck!" Marionette says shocked."yeah,considering freddy can pick bonnie up with one arm makes it kinda obvious" I say plainly."he does come from a father who used to be an fight...and he's brother would've roughened him up over the years.." Chica says softly."true.."

..."there calling me" I mutter,looking at my phone as it vibrates around on the table."freddy..werid...why would he call you?..." "I don't know..I'm not answering..."




"NO DONT" a small child's voice rang loudly threw my head.."bonnie....." I head was pounding...I feel numb....

"DON'T HURT HIM!" "Shut it marionette...."

....what......I open my eyes and my vision clears to a child wearing black standing on my lap and yelling at from what I could make out is darkness.."bonnie..." I growl,looking around.

The child turns back and looks at me with a worried look."bonnie?....uhm.."

I look over to my side and bonnie smiles slightly."that's marionette,he's the child they found!" "Who's he yelling at..." I mutter.

Bonnie steps back and looks down."freddy..." He says softly."who...and what?.." I groan.the child hops off my lap and runs over to the door."thanks to you,your friend was able to activate my other friends..." He says softly and turns a light on.

"Only foxy would come here...freddy went out..." The child says sadly.

I look forward to see a animatronic fox,half broken and shaking."Chica didn't want to come out,she was to shy,freddys probably just mad at me and bonnie is hella to shy,I can show you bonnie but I'm worried freddy or Chica will attack you if bonnie sends out an alarm..." He says softly as bonnie helps me up.

"Bonnie...Chica..foxy...marionette..-" I know,weird ey?...come on" bonnie says softly and drags me out as he follows the small child down the hall."bonnies in here,he's shy and if he gets scared hell send out an alarm which sets off freddy the most...or he's twin..don't worry you have less a chance of getting killed by he's twin then him!" The child says happily and opens the door.

"Bonnie..." He says softly.

I look back at my bonnie and shrug...this kid is leading us into darkness...

"Bonnie....come on..don't be shy.." He whimpers and runs into the dark.

Red eyes became clear in the darkness and the child began to happily clap and jump around."they won't hurt you....".

He came over and turned the light on which flickered alot revealing a animatronic rabbit whimpering and snuggled against the corner with boxes around it."bonnie,this is your child's soul partner!.your soul became two,this is the older version because it lived on its your child soul that's stuck!" "What.." I say confused.

The rabbits ear lifted slightly as bonnie stepped closer."oh...when I said Vincent killed some kids,the souls werent able to escape this world so they entered us..and to cover up vince...stuffed the kids in us...Im just a soul but bonnie and the others actually have children in the suits..." He says softly.

"Poor long have you been like this..." Bonnie whimpers.i look behind the child to see bonnie moving a few boxes off the animatronic.

"Freddys twin has a bad he gets mad at bonnie mainly...if freddy doesn't want to fight him hell attack bonnie got blamed for foxys mistake and he punished bonnie by throwing boxes on bonnie after he cut he's arm circuits..."

I go over to bonnie and help pull the boxes off the animatronic only to see how distressed the thing was...god knows how long it's been like this..even for a robot it does seem to be worried and wanting to be free..

The child pulls the last box off the animatronics leg and watched as it got up and basically bolted out the room making soft static whimpering sounds."where is it going?.." I ask.

"Probably to freddy..I hope.." The child mumbles and runs out.

After following this Godamn child for ages we finally find where the rabbit ran to...

"Freddy?...please...stop being stubborn.." The puppet and bonnie sneaked into the room with the puppet.

The animatronic rabbit was snuggled on a animatronic bears lap...."so...this is like us.." Bonnie whispers to me.i nod and pull him infront of me,holding him close.the bear looks up and instantly us two both made a eye connection.....

If it wasnt for the rabbit on he's lap moving and catching he's attention suddenly god knows how long he would've been eating at my soul threw a goddamn stare.

"That's freddy...guess he's in a bad mood...wanna go see my doll?" The child asks and runs out.i look back at bonnie as he follows the child out.i go out but stand against the wall listening as the two began to speak...only thing is..I couldn't exactly make out who was talking..

(F-freddy b-bonnie)

B:they helped me...

F:so saw how vince betrayed us...I'm not trusting another possibly back stabbing human..

B:they helped me but,if they didnt pull the boxes off I would've been stuck there...and why didnt you help me?!

F:he would've killed me..

B:forget him! Hs ruining you and your life! This is why I can't be near you anymore! You always bring up him in all our small talks!

The two went quite........too quite.........

Troubled little bunny (freddy x bonnie x goldie)Where stories live. Discover now