The Legend of the Hax

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The Legend of the Hax

Fast, strong, smart, witty, sly- you name it. If you can think of any trait of your worst nightmare, add it to the list. You are probably wondering what am I talking about or maybe you figured it out by reading the subtitle. Either way, I'm going to tell you. I'm talking about the Hax. Who are they you ask?

They are basically modified humans with the best genes taken from only the best animals. They have enhanced eye sight, speed, reflexes, strength, sense of smell, sense of taste plus more. The only thing they have similar to humans is the fact that they are vain and power mad. Yes, all humans are vain and power mad no matter how deep it is buried. It only takes a drop of power to bring them to the surface.

The Hax got that drop of power. In fact, they got a river, load of it. Back in the dark ages, only the Hax were able to rule over the states and were told every day how perfect they were. The main ruler, who ruled over the most powerful kingdom on the planet, Erdexrs had the power to command all the other rulers to do what he wanted and if they refused, the punishment would be horrible.

You would expect him to be the bad guy who uses people as foot rests, eats all day and orders his solders to go around taking candy from babies. If that was what you thought then you are absolutely wrong. He was more like the emperor of Ponyville in your favourite My Little Pony movie. He was the guy who brought laughter and cheer to the entire planet and because of him, the villagers were happy all the time. Everyone would come to him for comfort and advice and other things that you would not think of going to your prime minister, president, king or queen or whatever for.

One day, the Ruler of Erdexrs (his name was Bartholomew by the way) was sitting in his library reading when he fell to the floor and began violently shaking as if he was getting a foreign form of a seizure. One of his servants walked in and tried to help him but he punched him in the face. Bartholomew's eyes insanely turned a glowing blue and his face had violence written all over it. The man tried to escape but Bartholomew pulled him back and bent him in two causing his spine to crack and his organs to split. The screams of the man could be heard half way across Erdexrs. When the guards came to see what had happened, all what could be seen was crumbled up servant and an angry Ruler.

The guard held up their spears to the Ruler but he ordered them to tell no one. The guards had to follow the law which forced them to obey every command of the Ruler of Erdexrs and him alone. The next thing Bartholomew ordered them to do was to kill everyone who was learning how to read and write and the poorest people in Erdexrs.

Soon enough, the rulers of the other states were doing the same and all the Hax on the planets were the most fear crime committers but were protected by the new law. They'd enter people's houses and stab them by night. You would one day learn that your best friend had gone missing then the next day you would find her dead in the woods with her last words written on the ground next to her in her blood.

The Hax were out of control and had to be stopped. In the year 1320...

Since this is beginning to sound like your everyday history book, I'll just quicken up the story and skip all the unnecessary dates.

A secret society called the Zendophone decided to end all the Hax. They altered the genes of new born babies to make them even more powerful than the Hax. They called their creation the Riders. The Riders had everything the Hax had but they had the power to use their mind to their advantage. When I say 'use their mind to their advantage' I'm not talking about out smarting their parents or solving impossible math problems like 'find out what number x is if y-z=x'. I'm talking about moving things with their mind and using their minds to control other people's minds.

With this advanced ability, they did not need strength. They simply, after years of practice, convinced the Hax to walk off a cliff.

The villagers were happy again. Little did they know that there was still a little civilisation of Hax left ruled by King Bartholomew trapped underground. Once in a blue moon (literally) they were strong enough to escape from their underground 'home' and cause terror to the villagers. That period of terror was called the Blue Night

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