Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

After my parents died, I had to live on my own everywhere and I could not go to school. I'm not a total idiot. Sometimes, I sneak into classes to learn something or I use the library to read up books on certain things and ask people lots of questions. I have also travelled around the world a lot of times. How did I do that without money? I'm just that sneaky.

You can do anything when you are not afraid to do it. I am not saying you should go into someone's shop and take some Oreo cookies for the fun of it because you are not afraid of getting caught at all even though it sounds like that.

I may make this sound fun but it has not been easy either. I can hardly find things to feed myself. Sometimes, Woof would bring back a dead rat so we can feast but I end up giving it to him anyway. The worst of it all is that I have been chased every single day of my life. At nights, Woof and I usually take turns to sleep. I sleep half the night while he takes guard and when he gets tired, he'll lick me to wake me up and then I would have to keep guard while he sleeps. It's amazing how dogs can be trained.

When I'm not on the run, I'm either being kidnapped or put in a metal box by some crazy lunatic or I am fighting with those crazy lunatics. Once, I even had to go through the horrors of being chewed alive by a huge dog of some breed I could not even recognise. Let's just say it was a cross between an elephant, a lion, an alligator and a shark. I don't even think that dog even had dogs in its family tree but I'll call it a dog because it sounded like one.

I even have these weird dreams where I meet some weird people who tell me weird things. Sometimes the dream would result in me being kidnapped by a Hax and never being able to escape but in worse cases, some dreams of mine result in me being dead. The only great thing about all of this is that I can come up with theories that, according to the internet, end up being correct.

I even realised that I have been acting strange. Every day, I realise something new about myself. I had just assumed that these are the changes normal teenagers go through and I did not know because I did not know where my mother was but when I looked it up on the internet I realised that I was wrong.

Do normal teenagers eyes turn blue when danger is near? Are normal teenagers able to escape from a metal cage by simply bending the cage bars as if it were some sort of sponge? And lastly, are normal teenagers able to take down an army of men single handed without any weapons dodging about twenty bullets?

Yes, the last part is true. Like right now, as we speak (or read) I was fighting with about five Hax and I think two of them were normal men. I had already knocked out the two normal men and I was facing the Hax who were super strong and still had guns. They shot at me and I managed to escape the bullets and take the gun from one and knock him on the head with it. Like someone with no skill, I swung my hand and knocked another on the head with a gun.

Now two were coming after me so I tried this over used trick where I waited until they were close enough and then moved back. When I did, they knocked themselves on each other and fell to the ground. When they knocked it sounded like the sound a truck makes when it collides with a landing airplane. I laughed but it stopped right away when I realised I moved back right into the hand of another Hax. Now he was the one laughing as he pulled back my arms trying to remove my shoulder bone from its socket.

Woof jumped as high as he could and ended up bighting the man on his neck. He let go of me to attack my dog but I took him by the hand and swung him around until he flew into the air and landed on his face. He did not move so I assumed he was either knocked out or dead. Either way, it gave me a change to do what I did best, run.

I was running at 40 miles per hour. I would run faster but I was too tired. It was not very easy to fight, almost get captured then run fast. After many years of running fast I think I could make money in a dog race because Woof was on fire (if he ran any faster he would literally be).

I leaned on a tree in the woods and began to laugh. My dog jumped and barked and rolled on his belly for me to rub it so I stooped down and did so then pat his head. "Yes, you did well," I complimented. He barked again. "Okay fine, I couldn't have done it without you. There, I said it. You happy?" He barked and jumped up to lick my face. "Okay. Too much affection," I told Woof and giggled.

When you live all alone away from humans, except those who want you dead, you begin to talk to animals. I found myself talking to a bird once until Woof gentile pushed me with his head as if trying to snap be back to reality.

The first thing Woof and I liked to do when we got to a new part of the world was to explore. I did not know exactly where I was, all I knew was that it had a lot of forest which I liked. What better way was there to stay hidden than in a forest. I only hoped I was not in the jungles of Africa or in the Australian outback.

Earlier on, deeper in the forest, I found a waterfall hidden behind vines that had a lot of leaves on it. It was perfectly covered. I only stumbled across there because while I was walking, my foot went down into a hole so I feel sideways into the waterfall cave place. I declared this place as a shelter from now on or at least until the Hax find it. Then I would have to be on the run again.

I made my way through the forest keeping my ears open for any sounds and my eyes and nose open for any food. I could smell animals and the animal I smelted had this horrible fresh sent. I assumed it was a fish.

"Looks like we're having fish for dinner," I notified Woof. He whimpered. We had been having fish every night for a month now and many times I have gotten bones stuck in my teeth or a bad stomach for not cooking it well. "Either we eat the fish or we eat leaves." Woof growled and barked. "Then we eat fish."

When we got to the river I looked in the fast flowing water and saw some big fish struggling to flow up stream but still moving very quickly. The river water looked deep but I did not feel comfortable about plunging myself in there to get the fish. I knew I would have knocked my head on a stone and bleed to death so I went into the river water and stood in there to try to catch the fish.

I shivered as I got into the water. It was ice cold. I hesitated to put I face in it to look under water. "I don't want to freeze my face," I said to myself but either way I had to look in the water. When I did, I could see all the fish swimming towards me. Everytime I put my hand near one, it would swim away faster than the speed of light so I concentrated a little more until everything looked as if it was moving in slow motion (which is how I feel when I'm running). I quickly grabbed hold of a fish and threw it out of the water to Woof who bit it and killed it.

"I feel sorry for the little guy. He did nothing wrong." I got three more fish and then went to build a fire. It was getting late so I might as well make some place to keep us warm. If the night was as cold as the river then I would not be able to sleep without a fire.

I scavenged the ground for twigs and dry leaves to light the fire. I found a lot of dry leaves but I had to climb a tree to get the wood from the branches. It was odd how there were none on the ground. While breaking off a twig from the branch I almost fell off as usual but I kept myself balanced. Everything was going well so far except the fact that a big bear was eating my fish. Do not be fooled. Bears are only cute when they are toys.

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