|•WATAK•| {edited}

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 •Sara Amanda binti Abdullah•-22 years old

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Sara Amanda binti Abdullah
-22 years old

"Love you, 100 percent!"

          "Love you, 100 percent!"

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|Daniel Azriel|
-29 years old

"Percentages doesn't express my love, my actions will."


~Qaleysha Solehah~-19 years old

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~Qaleysha Solehah~
-19 years old

"I'm sorry,"

~Ahmad Zahid~-33 years old

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~Ahmad Zahid~
-33 years old

"Your apologies hurts me, and I hate it."

Hai this is my first story. Kalau nak tahu cerita ini banyak konflik dan sedikit berat. Jika anda tabah, boleh tapi kalau hati tisu tu faham2la ☺ Apa2 pun


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