Chapter 19

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It's been over a month since I gave birth and I honestly don't know why I thought I was going to be able to do this by myself. Kadir was an absolute angel during the day. He just eat,poop, sleep, repeat the entire day. Which at on point left me paranoid because he would sleep so long, I thought he died. So I would constantly sit by his crib watch him sleep. When night time came, he was a nightmare. He doesn't want to go to sleep and when he does, he wakes up every two hours to be fed and then poops. It wasn't for Murat I wouldn't have eaten or bathe. Murat being a father made me fall in love with him all over again. He was turning out be a great father. He just seemed to get everything right. Like how to burp him when he's struggling to do so and how to get him to sleep. It was so weird but yet so wholesome seeing this scary looking man being so gentle with this tiny human.

Although, Murat was a great help with Kadir, I can feel him become more and more distance from me. I mean I get that the baby has been taking up most of our time but the dude isn't even having a conversation with that isn't regarding Kadir. And if I start up a conversation he just tries to keep it short. I can't even remember when was the last time he kissed me or made any sexual remark. At this point I was become insecure. I mean I did gain a little weight and a few more stretch marks but have I become repulsive to him. I would have never thought there would come a day that I, Aurora Amber Davis will feel insecure all because of a man. I've always considered myself to be that bitch. Now I am standing in front of the mirror marking everything that could possibly be wrong with my body. I mean nothing has really changed except my boobs went from A cup to a B cup , had more stretch marks on thighs and waist than I had before and my stomach was a little bit big but that's nothing a month in the gym won't solve. To me I still looked the same, so what could he possibly see wrong with me. Maybe it's because I haven't been getting dressed up lately and my hair is a mess. Yes, that must be it.

Today's New Years Eve and I originally thought we could just not celebrate since Kadir was only a month old but maybe we should do something just us two. Obviously it would have to be in the house since we don't want Media know about us and I had plenty of time to get things ready because Murat had to fix something at one of his hotels that he owned and will only be back at 7.

I put Kadir in one of those rocking chairs for babies and begin making Murat's favorite meal. The entire day I spent cooking and setting a romantic scene. At 5 I took a shower and got dressed in an over sized tee. I was lucky that Kadir was an easy baby because I wouldn't been able to able to get this done. At 6 bathed and fed the baby before putting him down to sleep. I at least done my make up while Kadir was awake and in his car seat so I only had to get dressed.

It was 7 and I heard Murat's car pull into the garage

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It was 7 and I heard Murat's car pull into the garage. I stood by the door that connected the garage and the house.

"Hi." He turned around swung his fist at me. I ducked and dodged his hit.

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