Chapter 20

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One and half years later

"What do you mean he still didn't sign the papers?" I exclaimed a little bit too loudly."What could he possibly want? He left me." My voice get low at last past.

"I really don't know Aurora."Jared sighed. Seeing the tears in my eyes, Jared pulls me into her. "Hey, don't cry. We'll just send the papers again and again until he gets sick of it and signs. He cooed stroking my hair. He cupped my face and wiped my tears my his thumbs. "It going to be okay. " Giving me a warm smile.

I was grateful to have a people like Jared and his boyfriend, Logan in my life. I met them at the airport on my way to Los Angeles after 2 months of waiting for Murat to come and the constant calls to his office to hear if he was there and being met the same answer of him being on a business trip. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't stay in that house anymore, everything in that house reminded of him and that huge house become so suffocating. I couldn't move back to my old place because I couldn't bare the thought of running into him and falling to my knees, begging for him to take me back. That wasn't me. I wasn't a beggar, I had too much pride but I knew that I would do it for him. The man bewitched me and I didn't know how to break the curse. I needed to heal. So I moved and that's when I met Jared and Logan. I was at the airport struggling to get to my terminal because Kadir was crying bloody murder and I couldn't seem to calm him down because his father normally calmed down when he would cry like that. So there I was in the middle of the airport with a crying baby and two suitcases, with no clue how I was going to get us and the suitcases to our gate. That's when two guys approach me. One was 5ft10, brown curly afro,light skin and hazel brown eyes the othe was 6ft, blond hair that was in a buzz cut, fair skin and brown eyes. They're were both handsome but the light skinned guy had feminine facial features yet both had lean muscular builds.


I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see a light skin guy with a big smile on his face.

"Hi, I'm Logan." I look at his out stretch hand and back to face with a raised eyebrow. " I just saw you struggling and I was wondering if we *pointing to the other guy that was with him* could help you"

" No. " I'm not stupid. I watched enough Law and Order SVU to know not trust 'kind' strangers. I am woman with a child, we were hot commodity for traffickers.

" I know you don't trust us a... "

" Hell yeah, I don't trust you. " I said a little to because I startled Kadir making him cry even louder. " Shit! "I cursed

" Look, let us just help you to your boarding gate and then we'll leave you alone. I promise. " I looked into eyes and saw nothing but sincerity.

" Okay. " I sighed. Knowing that I really needed the help.

Flashback over.

We ended up boarding the same plane with them sitting in the two chairs behind me. Logan helped me calm down Kadir. I learned that he was a nurse who works mostly with kids and boyfriend Jared was lawyer. A divorce lawyer. So I told them my story. My gut just told me to trust them and my gut has never led me down. They got me a place in their building so they were close enough to help me if I was ever in need. And since that day they became the brothers I never had.

"I think I should go back to New York and get him to sign it ."

"I don't think that's good idea."

"And why not?" I folded my arms and raised my eyebrow.

"You haven't fully gotten over him."

"What makes you say that? "

"You're still wearing your rings. " He pointed out. I sucked on my teeth.

"It's not my fault. Everytime I take it off, I subconsciously put it back on. My finger feels weird without it. But I need to do this. Being divorced from him will help me move on." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Okay, fine. But we are coming with you."

"What about work?"

"Don't worry about that, we'll figure it out. "

"Thank you, thank you. I can't wait for y'all to meet Jasmine." I hugged him tightly.

"You really miss her ,don't you? " He asked

"Yeah. We only had each other for such a long time and never gone so long without seeing each other. So it will be good to see her. "

" Are you going to tell her? "

" Yes. It's not like I could hid the truth anymore. "

" I'm sure, she'll understand. "

" I hope so. " I sighed. " I'm going to go. I'm sure Logan is going crazy back home. "

" Bye. Love you.

" Love you too. " I screamed on my way out of his office. I said by to the receptionist. Before leaving the building.

I didn't know if I was ready to face Murat. All I know is bad bitches don't fold and I am a bad bitch.

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