Chapter 23

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"I'm the leader of the Sicilian Mafia." He looked at me, waiting for me to react but I don't. I just blankly look at him and gestured for him to continue. " My parents kept my birth a secret. So no one knew that I existed. So everyone assume my father gave the title some random man. So no one knows what I look like." He took a deep breath. "Until now. The two weeks after you have birth, my father received a photo of me and him standing in the hallways of the hospital. We never been out in public together before so no one could've made the connection. But since the photo has been leaked in the Mafia world, everyone has been after me." He concluded.

" Why didn't you tell me?" I asked calmly.

" I was going to tell you eventually. But when this happened I didn't want you to have a life constantly looking over shoulders. So I left. I spend this past year and a half trying make alliance with different mafias and killing off the ones that want to cooperate. I've been successful so far but I'm still left with the person that leaked the photo." He explained.

" I honestly don't know what to say. I mean I always knew you had some shady dealings but it didn't bother me. This doesn't bother me. The fact the you kept the truth away from me is what's bothering me. You knew that I would do anything for you. Even sacrifice my freedom for you. Were you even going to come back? " I asked

" Of course I was." I chuckled under breath, shaking my head.

" And then what? We just pretend that nothing happened and continue from where left of. Did really think I would just fall back into your arms and tell you did the right? After everything you put me through? I asked with tears in my eyes. I wiped my face angrily. "Fuck! Never in my life have I cried this much over a person." I groaned in frustration. "Get out."

"You're not kicking out of my own house, Aurora. Beside the kids told me to stay, apparently they have dinosaurs for breakfast and I have to try them. " He said with smug look on his face. I just rolled my eyes. Folding my arms across my chest.

" Where you gonna sleep? All the guest rooms still need to be cleaned. "

" Next to my wife. In our bed. "He whispered in my ear causing me to shiver and let out a soft moan. But I quickly came to back my senses. I wasn't going to fold again. I pushed him away causing him to laugh.

" You not sticking your dirty dick in me again." I stated

"Dirty? What makes you say that ? " He smirked amused.

"Don't act like you haven't been fucking other bitches while you were gone." I said bitterly. He laughed again making stomach to do backflips. This man rarely laughs and when he does, it's the most beautiful sound you ever heard. He stopped laughing and grabbed my hand placing on his hardened cock, making squeeze my legs together. Don't fold bitch. And that's exactly what I'm not going to do.

" This. This is yours. Why would I ever give something that belongs to you to somebody else. The same way that..." He cups my pussy. "... this is mine and I don't want share what's mine. That's why I'm going to kill those two fuckers that just left the house and I'm going especially enjoy killing the one who had the audacity to touch you in front of me. " He growled. I looked at him wide eyed.

" They're gay. "

" I won't kill them for now. "He said. I let out a breath of relief. " Now, let's go to bed, so I can fuck you. " I laughed.

" I'm still not fucking you, Murat. " I said sternly.

" And why not? " He whined liked a child reminding me of Kadir.

" Really? You're really asking why? " I asked dumbfounded. " You lied to me by omitting the truth, which I can forgive but you left,Murat. I know you thought what were doing was for the best but the best for who? "

" I know what i did was wrong and I really am sorry. You don't know how sorry I am and I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you. Just give me another chance. "He pleaded.

I sighed." Fine. The only reason I'm giving you chance is because the kids deserve a father in their lives. " I stated. " I'm still not having sex with you at least not until you get vasectomy. I'm not having any more kids."

"Can I at least eat you out?" He asked. I smirked



The sound of the tv playing woke me up.  I looked over to Aurora, who sitting with her eyes closed while both children sucked on her boobs and watch nursery rhymes. I grabbed my phone and check the time. 5:30. It was still early and I'm sure Aurora was tired from last night's activities.

"Morning." I said to them.

"Sabah. " They grumbled before going back to sucking on Aurora's boobs.

"Did mama bring you here?" They both shook their heads. " Did you come by yourself?" They both nodded. " How did you open the door? "

" Me pick up Kadri." Kadir said and Kadriye nodded.

" Wow. You guys are really smart." I exclaimed.

" Mama say we geniuses cause papa is a genius." Kadriye said butchering the word ' genius ' making me laugh.

" That's why she picked papa cause she didn't want to dumb kids." Kadir added. I just watched in amusement as they talked. They were so smart even though they mispronounced most of the words they spoke you could still make out what they were trying to say. I noticed they didn't speak a lot of English. They mainly spoke Turkish. It's probably because my mother forced Aurora to learn  it so that our children can speak it. I guess they only have to learn Italian.

"Aç mısın? "(Are you hungry)I asked both of them. They both nodded. "Okay, let's go to the kitchen and make dinosaurs." They both got of the bed and went out the bedroom. I quickly put on my pants before lightly waking Aurora to tell her to lay properly and went to the kitchen.

Now to figure out what dinosaurs are.

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