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Y/N pov:

After he said that, I couldn't help but blush, he was so adorable.

"No I understand, don't worry" I say placing a hand on top of his to help him stop fidgeting.

I felt my heart skip a beat as he looked up at me slightly wide eyed.

"Sorry-" I say taking my hand back quickly.

"N-no it's okay... I don't mind" He said moving his head to move his bangs out of his eyes.

"A-anyway, what's it like here. Is it worth it?" I ask

"It's okay, I mean. I do miss my hometown, but it's nice here with Jake. He's my best friend." He says smiling slightly.

"It's good to have friends, I told my friends not to ext me while on this trip cause I didn't wanna have to deal with home drama while I'm here, told them to not text me unless they are dying" I say, he giggles at me.

"What's the plans while being here?" He asks

"TATTOO... Sorry, I wanna get a tattoo while I'm here, but I don't know of what or where I'd even go" I say.

"I've got a tattoo gun, nah I'm just kidding, but I know a guy he does my all my tattoos" Johnnie said.

"Honestly, I'd let you tattoo me, that'd literally be so fucking sick" I say looking at him

"Oh lord- where would you even get it?" He asked, he didn't seem against tattooing me.

"Probably here" I say lifting my shirt slightly and pointing to my right side a little above my V-Line.

"Oh, y-yeah, I mean, I'm down if you are" He said... Admiring my body?

Im delusional, I'm being dumb.

"That honestly would be such a bragging right, I could brag saying I got a tattoo by my favorite music artists, oh my god" I say dropping my shirt and running my fingers through my hair excited.

"You actually listen to my music?" He says kinda surprised.

"What?! Of course I do! Vampire is so amazing, definitely top tier, but my favorite song by you is definitely Anxiety Acoustic version" I say all giddy I get to talk about the songs I love to the creator.

"Oh, wow- that's actually amazing, thank you so much, y/n!" He said smiling.

"O-of course, anyway! The tattoo I wanna get is actually based off of your song, Angel of Death" I say getting a little nervous at to what he will say.

"Oh shit, really?! So you have like a set idea?" He said giddy

"Yeah! I-i do actually, let me show you!" I say grabbing my phone and showing him the tattoo design.

It was basically the scythe from the album cover but instead of the blade is said "Angel Of Death" In the shape of the blade.

"That's sick as hell. I wish I thought of that. Cause honestly I kinda want it!" Johnnie said taking my phone and looking at it.


"Marcus said, 'giving Brisko a bath, he rolled in mud' " Johnnie read out handing me back my phone, he looked confused.

"Tch, awww mannnn, I'm gonna have to pay Marcus more now" I say taking it and texting him back.

"Who's Brisko?"

"My dog! He's turning 4 years old this year in June on the 3rd" I say smiling and showing him a picture of Brisko

"Aww! He's cute!!" Johnnie said smiling.

"I knooowww, but anyway, you can get the tattoo instead of me if you want to!" I say happy that he likes the tattoo.

"Wait, I've got an idea what if, I get the tattoo you drew, and I'll draw you up a similar tattoo, so you know, this would be like a cool memory for the both of us!" He said kinda nervously.

"Dude! That would be so fucking sick!" I say happily agreeing so what he said.

"Shit that's awesome, we should, you know, like record it for s video I feel like that would be something my views would like to see" He states

"That would literally be a dream come true." I say actually shocked he would 1, want to get a tattoo that's basically matching and 2, record it and post it on YouTube.

"Awesome, I could text the dude right now and book an appointment" Johnnie said pulling out his phone.

"Yeah! That'd be amazing" I say happily.

"Sickkk" Johnnie said looking at his phone and tapping away.

"I still want you to tattoo me though as well" I say reminding him.

"Yea we could work that out" He said smiling slightly.

"Cool!" I said.

My heart was still racing.

I mean for fucks sake, I was fanboying right now.

"Oh shit.." Johnnie said.

"What?" I say worried.

"It's six in the morning" He said looking at me giggling slightly.

I laughed a little with him.

"Jeez,... Good morning, Johnnie! " I say laughing.

He laughs with me.

God I love his laugh.

So fucking pretty.

"Yeah! We should probably sleep though, right?" He suggests getting ready to get up

"Yeah we should" I say, you could tell I was upset with the way my face dropped.

"You wanna come to my room? We could watch a movie and just sleep in there?" He suggests standing up.

My heart beat quickly in my chest.

"Yeah that would be amazing" I say standing up with him.

902 words

Dude, this was fun to write.


-Angel of Death- Johnnie Guilbert X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now