Matching Tattoos(ch.10)

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Me and Johnnie were now on the couch.

I was sat in the middle and Johnnie rested his back on the arm rest, resting his legs over my thighs.

Me and Johnnie have become so comfortable with each other with in this short span of time;
It's like a genuine dream come true.

"How about 3fs, he's funny as shit, and he plays a lot of horror games!" I said as I clicked away on the remote.

"Never heard of him, but sure!" He said smiling slightly.

His smile is so pretty.

Like a gem.

So pretty and perfect.

(Time skip)

I had woken up on the couch, yet I was covered in a thick black blanket and alone.

I was wondering where Johnnie had went.

I looked around the room when I heard clanking coming from the kitchen.

I stood up stretching, the big blanket falling off of me onto the floor.

I walked my way to the kitchen to see Jake;
he was cooking breakfast it seemed.

"Ohhhh, look who's awake!" Jake said as he saw me walk in.

"Morninnnn'" I said in a groggy morning voice.

"We were just talking about you!" Jake said.

"We?" I asked genuinely confused.

"Johnnie y/n is awake" Jake shouted, the I heard Johnnie voice come from Jake's phone.

"Oh, good morning, y/n. How did you sleep? I'm sorry I didn't take you to your room, you looked to comfortable to move" Johnnie said via the speaker on Jake's phone.

"It's okay, I WAS really comfortable, thank you for the blanket by the way, that was really sweet of you, Johnnie. " I said smiling as I talked to Johnnie.

"Don't mention it, hey well I gotta dip, im leaving the studio" His voice said.

"Okay, be safe,  if you need me dm me!" I said happily, my heart racing with each time I hear Johnnie speak.

"Okay, see y'all later, I'll be back soon" He said before hanging up.

"I see the way he looks at you" Jake said almost immediately when Johnnie hung up.

"Huh?" I asked, my heart feeling as if it fell to my ass.

"Come on man..." Jake sighed, as he turned off the stove top, moving the pan to a burner that wasn't on.

"Listen, I've never seen him act like this before, I'm genuinely like.... Whats the word..uhm.. Flabbergasted! sure let's go with that, im flabbergasted with the way Johnnie has been acting" Jake yaps out.

"Im confused" I said crossing my arms trying to look as if I'm not tweaking out and my heart isn't racing.

"He's so happy, y/n..ive never, like.... Ever! EVER, seen him so damn happy like this before" He said.

"I-i mean... I noticed he seems happier then what he acts online but, I though... I don't know...W-what are you talking about, Jake? " I said dropping my arms, biting the inside of my cheak, trying not to freak out even though I was.

"Johnnie really likes you, y/n..i don't know if that's romantically or he just likes you as a friend. BUT I do know he loves being around you, he's so happy to have you around. That's what we were LITERALLY just talking about before he hung up" Jake smiled, then placing a hand on my shoulder.

-Angel of Death- Johnnie Guilbert X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now