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Y/n pov:

I woke up from the best sleep of my life.

I rubbed my eyes and say I was in... Johnnies room?

But he wasn't in here.

My heart began to race as I realized I'm literally in Johnnie Guilberts room.

I got out of bed and walked out the door to the living room to see Jake and Johnnie recording a video.

Why are they recording in here and not the literal recording room?

"Oh- Hey, good morning Y/n! Sorry we woke up up, but this fucker wouldn't stop shooting me with the gel gun!" Jake said as he turned to look at Johnnie.

Johnnie had the gel gun point at Jake's head.

"Johnnie, oh my god, if you shoot me, I won't talk to you for 15 minutes" Jake says as he put his hands up.

Johnnie shot him in the head and Jake launched himself into Johnnie as they began to play fight.

"AHHHHHHH" Johnnie yelled out trying to push Jake off of him.

I just stood there trying to control my laughter.

After there little play fight bit Johnnie looked at me and smiled saying
"morning y/n, sleep good?"

I blush a little saying
"Yeah I did actually, best sleep I've gotten in a while"

"Guys, this is Y/n! Y/n is staying with us for a month while he's on vacation!" Jake said looking at the camera, then motioning me to come into frame, he patted the couch in the middle.

I walked over and sat in the middle between Jake and Johnnie.

"Yooooo" I said throwing up rocker signs with both hands.

"Okay so y/n basically we are doing a q and a right now, you can answer some questions too, even though they aren't directed towards you, it'll still be cool to hear your uhhhhhh input!" Jake said waving his phone around.

"Yeah sure that sounds sick" I say agreeing, I'm so excited right now, I've never in a million years thought that I'd be in one of Jake or Johnnies videos.

"Okay, someone asked 'love interests?' " Jake said looking up at the camera.

"No." Jake said blank faced, then turning to look at me and Johnnie.

I turn to look at Johnnie and he's looking at Jake.

What did I miss?

"I don't really, uhm. Know. Honestly if like to keep that between me and myself" Johnnie said putting his hands up and leaning back on the couch.

"What about you y/n?" Jake said looking at me.

He gave me a smirky look.

Does he know?

Surly not

"I mean of course I have a love 'interest' everyone does, though mine for sure doesn't have an intest in me" I said giving a genuine answer.

"Ooooo who?" Jake said elbowing me slightly.

"That wasn't what the question was, so I guess will never know" I said happy with my response.

"Finee whatever, next question, who is your love interest" Jake said looking at me and smiling.

"That is NOT what that says" I say peeking over at Jake's phone.

"Dude that says 'what's your sexuality' oh my god" I say looking over at Johnnie to see if he was seeing what I was seeing.

But he was already looking at me smiling.

I gave a little upside down embraced smile and looked at the camera blushing slightly.

I look at Jake and he looks at the camera.

"I like woman, I LOVEEEEE HOT WOMAN" Jake said crossing his arms like he was proud of what he said.

"Mmmmmm..... The amount of times you kissed Johnnie says other wise" I say crossing my arms and looking into the camera mocking him.

"Ohhhh kayyy, that was just a bromance kiss" Jake says shoving me playfully.

I shove him back the same way and say.
"You like boyyyyssss" In a southern voice.

"Nuh uh, Nuh uhhhhh" He said back

"Nah but seriously, what's YOUR sexuality y/n? Jake said looking at me.

"Im like you, I like dudes" I say laughing nervously.

"I DON'T LIKE DUDES I LIKE GIRLS!"  Jake says standing up and walking out of frame.

" First stage, denial" I say looking into the camera with a serious face.

Jake finally sat back down and looked over at Johnnie.

"Your turn" Jake said

"Uhm.. Do I have to say?" Johnnie said with a worried look on his face.

I look at Jake,

"Cut this out, he doesn't have to tell the truth if he doesn't want to, I know it's hard to tell people your sexuality" I say looking at Jake then back at Johnnie.

"No it's fine, I'll say it" Johnnie said, he looked nervous and I felt bad for him.

"Okay.... Uhm.... Your turn Johnnie! What's your sexual preference?" Jake said picking up where we left off.

"I'm not 100% sure, but I could be Bi" He said

My heart began to race.
I was nervous all over again.


836 words

Sorry for taking forever to upload


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