Walk (ch.9)

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Y/N pov

"That's killer, we love that" I say smiling at Johnnie.

His cheeks turned a slight pick color.
It was adorable.

Time skip----

Me and Johnnie went out while Jake was at Colby's house.

noooo it was just us going out as friends, and it wasn't to a restaurant it was just a walk.

"So, how you liking the city of druggies?" Johnnie said looking at me.

The stars aluminating the groundand the bright moon shining down on us.

"It's pretty here. I love it. I really do..... I'm so glad I met you" I whispered the last part.

I felt Johnnie intertwine out fingers together holding my hand.

"I'm glad I met you too, Y/n" He said softly.

I blushed, squeezing his hand softly.

We walked in silence for a little bit till we reached a 7/11.

"Come on, let's get some slushies!" Johnnie said smiling and pulling my (safely) across the street into the 7/11.

He let go of my hand(sadly) and went to the slushie machine.

"I've never had a slushie, can you believe that?" I say looking at the various flavors.

"Y/n dude, seriously? You HAVE to try this one" Johnnie said pointing to the sprite slushie.

"I mean, I love sprite so surly it's not THAT bad, yeah?" I say looking into his eyes.

He smiled at me softly.

"AH" I say blushing nervously
"J-just pick out a cup for me"

"Do you wanna share? I'm not that hungry so we could share whatever size you want!" He said.

"A small? It that okay?" I ask nervously.

"Are you sure, it's okay I'm paying!"

"W-what?! No I'm paying!" I say reaching into my pocket for my wallet.

"Shut the fuck uppppp, I'll buy, you're my guest, Angel" Johnnies said ruffling my hair then grabbing a slushie cup.


"Fine, but I pay next time okay?" I say blushing nervously.

"Next time? Already wanna take me out?" He teased.

"I hope you drown" I smile pushing him slightly (playfully)

"I'm deeply hurt by that" He said joking around.

Time skip
(Walking back to the house)

I took a sip of the slushie.

"It's actually kinda fire, good call Johnnie" I said looking at him.

"I know right! I'm just so cool" Johnnie said confidently.

"You're such a dork" I laugh at him.

I make a move by wrapping my right arm around his left as we walked.

"I'm tired" I said playing it off as if I just wanted to be comfortable.

"We are almost there don't worry, we can watch YouTube in the living room till we fall asleep if you want? O-or I mean you can go to sleep straight away if you want" He said, his voice stuttering slightly.

"No that sounds great! We should watch YouTube together, it would be so fun!" I said letting go of his arm as we slowly aproched the house.

"Great! It will be sick" Johnnie said laughing.

515 words

Woah Callum updated?!


-Angel of Death- Johnnie Guilbert X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now