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The lunch went by so quick if you ask me. It was so much fun. They introduced me to a few drinking games and to their surprise, I already knew them and was pretty good at it. See? I'm not one for promoting drinking, nor am I judging others for being into the activity but no American should be so into Korean drinking games this much wihout seeming like a heavy drinker like I was. They were impressed to say the least.

The pork belly was amazing, so tender and who knew it would melt in my mouth like that. It was only something I would dream about.

After the lunch, we all separated but not without Ji-woo suggesting we share kakaos which I gladly agreed to. I barely used it seeing as I literally have no korean friends or friends in general but now that I do, I can use it a lot. Even thinking about it was pretty awesome.

"야! 레드, 카카오 교환하자, 가지고 있어?" (Hey, Red, let's trade Kakao, do you have it?) Ji-woo called after me when I started to walk away from the group to head back to the hotel. I was a bit tipsy but not fully drunk. When she noticed I probably didnt understand, she held up her phone and pointed to it, kakaotalk was on the screen.

I nodded and smiled, walking back over to the group while getting my phone out to pull up the app. "I am going to be honest, I don't use this much because well..I had no use for it."

Sunny spoke up, "지금 바로 메시지를 보내주세요. 이제 우리 친구 맞죠?" (Well you better message us now. We're friends now, right?) I didn't have to guess what she was saying, it was pretty clear so I nodded quickly.

"Yeah I'll do my best." I gave them an innocent smile.

They all scanned my code one by one and suddenly, 5 people came up in my friends lists so I accepted them all. Holding up my phone to let them know I got them. "I have to go back to work so I will see you all later." Seok-jin said, still looking at his phone.

I waved when he walked away from the group. Suddenly they all started to dismiss themselves to go back to work. Then it was left to me and Minnie. "So, now what?" I asked.

She gasped and clapped her hands, "Ahh, you have some paperwork to fill out so let's go back to the hotel. It's in my room. I need you to sign it before we go to Jeju tomorrow."

I nod and followed Minnie back to the hotel. Once we arrived, I went back to my room and Minnie went to hers until she knocked on my door after 10 minutes with papers in hand. It was a huge stack or at least more than I thought I would have to sign. "This is what you need to read. I know there is a lot but it's important for the type of job you are doing with Son-hwan. I instructed your professor and he will be notified by Son-Hwan's manager of your progress. His manager will meet us at the airport and seeing as she can't speak English, I will be translating mostly between the two of you. Son-hwan speaks very little English but still some so you will be okay with him." She told me, walking into the room to sit on the bed.

"Wait, you won't be around with me when I'm with Son-hwan?" I tilted my head in confusion.

She nodded and I sighed. I didn't want to be by myself with him. What if he was a douche? Only one way to find out.

"Well then, this will be interesting." I said, leaning on my arm. Letting out a sigh of defeat, I held my hand out.

Minnie grinned and handed me the stack of papers. I looked over them carefully but quickly before signing the last couple of papers. It was the standard NDA and rules. The type of contracts you would find in those big movies with ordinary people and celebrities in close proximity of each other.

"Are you ready?" Minnie asked, more concerned than anything else.

I glanced up at her, in my head was just all scrambled with different scenarios of what could possibly go wrong. But I had to remember this is for my end of the year exam. This is some exam.

When she noticed me not responding, she laughed and pet my shoulder. "Okay, okay. I understand. Just give it a chance, he is actually very nice."

My brows furrowed when I looked at her, handing her the papers. "How do you know?"

"I've met him before. He's nice, believe me." She tried to convince but something made me not believe it.

"Fine, fine. I'll try it. But if he is rude, I won't hold back." I truthfully told her.

Minnie nodded with a laugh. "Get rest, make sure you eat dinner and rest well. I'll message you in the morning to head to the airport."

I nodded and motioned her towards the door which she kindly respected and left.

I leaned back on the bed. My progress. This was my exam. A month exam. A month on Jeju-do assisting a k-drama actor. Maybe this is a good thing. How? It will be exciting. I get to explore Jeju island, learn from foreign filmmakers, maybe make some friends, visit the famous cafes I've seen all over instagram. I mean, I already have 5 new ones; Ji-woo, Sunny, Jung-won, Seok-jin, and Yong-chul. What could possibly go wrong?

These words should be illegal at this point because I have a feeling that everything could go wrong and I don't think I'll be able to stop it. Or that I even wanted to. Something told me that this month will be an adventure.

Cafes will either be a prison or a sanctuary.

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