At the University

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I was sitting in psychology class when suddenly in the middle of it a tall boy with dark hair comes in. He sits next to my gay best friend who sits next to me. My best friend John and I smiled at each other. You must know John is anything but shy.. He turns to the boy and says, "Hey, are you straight?" without asking him his name. I held my hands in front of my face and eagerly waited for his answer as I had to suppress my giggling. The boy says: ,, I'm Zayn and you Are ?" John-,,I'm John and Gay, and you aare?" Zayn-,,I don't like dicks, I like women." John-,,Perfect". Zayn looks confused. Then John says, "How about you go on a date with the pretty lady next to me?" he said with a big smile on his face, I thought, "Oh, now he's graying him, but he looks over at me, checks me from top to bottom, smiles and pulls a piece of paper out of his pad and whispers to John, "She should write her phone number on it" I could hear it in spite of the whispering and very relaxed (I tried not to look nervous) wrote my phone number and gave it to john, who in turn gave it to Zayn. Half an hour passed and then Zayn asked out of nowhere, "what's her name?" john tells him my name and Zayn turns to me and says, "nice name" then I said, "yours too". I got so blushed, I couldn't understand a word of the lecture. The lecture was over and he was out in no time. I said to John, "How could you do that, I thought you were graying him" and John replies relaxed, "Why, it worked out, and soon he calls you and then your sex life is finally active again, I thought we have to postpone our cafe dates because we can't talk about sex anymore". Kira-,,Stop it! It hasn't been that long since my last time." John responds with "you sure honey?" and grabs his backpack while giving his typical eyebrow look again.

The Boy from my UniWhere stories live. Discover now