At his apartemant

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The next few days we didn't write or talk to each other. We ran into each other in college, but we didn't talk, we just looked. Then after 5 days I got a message from him, "Hey, my place is vacant, do you want to come over tonight?" I read the message as I was driving home on the tram. When I was home, I wrote him, "Of course, will you send me the address?"
After I sent it, I quickly changed and made a shortened version of an Everything-shower, shaved the most necessary parts, perfumed my body, put on a new make-up and put on a nice lingerie in black and on top of it a black long dress as it gets a bit cold outside in the evening. I packed a small bag with sleeping top, short sleeping pants and toothbrush stuff.
When I was just about to google his address, I got a message from him, ,,I'll pick you up, i'm there in 5min." I was briefly shocked, 5min?? Did I finish everything? Did I pack everything? Oh my charging cable, I put it in the small bag, put on my winter jacket and my shoes and then I went over to my living room window to see if he was already there. He was not there in 5 minutes but in 10 minutes. Probably because of the after-work traffic. He has a nice black BMW. I went down quickly and he stood outside and opened the door for me, I got in, his car had seat heating that was nice. He had the radio on, there was a bit of tense silence between us because we haven't said anything to each other the last few days. We're driving for a while, he says, "You look very pretty, the dress suits you" Kira: "thanks" I have to smile and turn slightly red. After 15min. We are finally here. I realized that we are in Greenwich, one of the most expensive areas in New York, he lives near our university, how can it be that someone who lives so close to the university is always late?
The building actually looks normal from the outside, it opens up and we walk through a hallway with very high ceilings. Everything here is white, except for the elevator that is silver. He presses the elevator button and we wait. The door opens, we go in, the door closes. He leans down to me and kisses me, we kiss until the 8th. Floor, where the door opens, we stand in front of 2 large doors, he unlocks the left, we are in a hallway with two doors again, we take the left door again, he unlocks it, we stand in a large hallway with a mirror, underneath a carpet where shoes are on it, next to it a spiral staircase that leads up. Next to the staircase, a shelf on the wall, above it a huge abstract painting. And next to it 3 doors. He says, "Do you like a guided tour?" While I took off my shoes, Kira:,,Definitely! Your apartment is crazy" Zayn:,, you just saw the hallway" he looks confused Kira:,,Your hallway is bigger than my bedroom" Zayn:,,Oh, that's why, but look when you're alone I find your apartment much more comfortable." Kira: "who actually lives here with you?" Zayn:,,my big sister. So here we have the bathroom, here is the bedroom and here is my office. He took my hand and led me through the hallway to the stairs, Zayn: "be careful the stairs are very smooth" we go up. The stairs lead us to an open kitchen and next to it a living room and a small room of which I first thought it was a storage room but it turns out that it was the guest toilet. Next to the TV is the terrace door, I'm going out, it's just sunset, you can see a lot of the sky here from the 8th floor.
He also goes out, he grabs my hips and kisses my neck, I turn around to him and put my arms around his neck, we kiss, He takes me back as high as a few days ago in my apartment. He carries me to the sofa, we kiss more intensely than ever before, I sit on him, my hands dig into his hair and he explores my body, his hands are so light on my skin, it always tickles a bit, which is why I sometimes have to giggle a little. His hands move back and forth under my T-shirt between my back and my breasts. He stops at my breasts and kneads them through while I ride him Kira: "Do you take off your pants?" Without saying anything, he takes them off quickly. He also takes off his underpants.
He grabs under my dress and takes off my lingerie. Zayn:,,oh this time black, very sexy. Do you want to do it here or downstairs in my bedroom?" Kira:,,how about first round here and second round below" Zayn:,,sounds good, I just quickly get a condom from the guest bathroom"
Full of pleasure, I wait on the couch, he sits down and pulls over his condom, I sit carefully on him, I go up and down very carefully until he completely penetrates me. He slowly takes off my dress and kisses my breasts while he opens my black bra and pulls it over my arms. He licks my nipples and then he kisses my lips and grabs my ass, he grabs more and more firmly and moves me the way he wants. I scream up, we have to stop kissing because we can only moan. After some time I'm exhausted and he noticed it. Zayn:,,hey want to change the position ?" Kira:,,yes please" Zayn:,,okay so you sit and wrap your legs around me, You can claw into my back if you like" I do what he said and He kneels with open legs and leans with his right arm against the couch next to my head and his left hand is on my jawline and with his thumb he caresses my cheek Zayn: "ready?" Kira:,,yes"
He penetrates me with his hard dick. It feels like he can penetrate me even deeper in this position than in the others. He goes in faster and faster and then he gets very slow. Our cheeks touch and we breathe very hard, it is very intense, everything in this position is intense.. I even cum first and he a few minutes later.
It was great. We sit on the couch for a few more minutes, then he gets up and gets me a glass of juice from the kitchen, mango juice. Zayn:,,here, we breathed so heavily that I thought you might want to drink something" Kira:,,,yes that's perfect my mouth is sooo dry" Zayn:,,Same, you can drink and chill and I go fast to the bathroom okay?" Kira:,,no, could we maybe shower together, I've always wanted to have sex in the shower and your big shower is perfect for it" Zayn:,,everything you want Kira" we still sat on the couch for a few minutes and drunk our mango juice, then we stand up and go down the staircase, past the big painting to the bathroom. He has a really modern bathroom, he even got a bench and a Anti-slip mat in the shower, we We take off our socks, he turns on the water and feels with his hand whether the water has a good temperature, Zayn:,,you can go in, I just quickly take off the condom"

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