At home

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John and I share an apartment. I've been waiting for Zayn to call me for four days, John had to comfort me the whole time. But then I got a text, hey, this is Zayn, do you have time tomorrow night ?_ John:,,hey wait with your answer, he made you wait too long" Kira:,, Yes you're right, I'll write him in like 4 hours" Four hours later, I texted him, "hey, yeah, where do we want to meet?" Zayn writes ,,could we meet at your place, you live alone right?" I answer "my roommate is John but don't worry he goes on weekends to his parents, so we have the apartment all by ourselves" He writes, "Perfect, so tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. at your place?" I answer ,,yess see you tomorrow".

Here we go. Kira:,, John you should go to the toilet again because I will need the bathroom now for an everything shower" John:,,okay". John came out of the bathroom and said, "I'm going now and please leave the sofa safe, as soon as you want to undress please go to your room" Kira:,,Yes, don't worry, write to me if you arrived safely and drive carefully" John:,,have fun tonight, bye" Kira:,,have a good time"
As soon as John is out the door I rush into the bathroom, I only had 4 hours to shave completely, shower and find something nice to wear.
3 hours later. I was done with everything faster than expected. Now I just have to get dressed, I picked out my red lingerie underwear, small white socks, gray sweatpants and a white T-shirt. I made the sofa pretty and turned on the TV and logged into my Netflix account. Now I just have to wait. He didn't come at 7 p.m., I was worried, 7:30 p.m. I got a message, "hey, I'm at your door now, where should I ring?" I write to him "at Miller/Wilson." It rang, I opened it for him and he came up, he's wearing black sweatpants and a dark blue hoodie, he took off his shoes, he's wearing normal black socks. We hugged each other and I showed him the living room, we sat down on the couch and I asked him, "what would you like to watch?" ,,I don't know, we can look through, oh wait, go up again, would you like Deadpool? I haven't seen it for a while" "Sounds good, I like the movie too" 
It was a bit tense. I was so nervous that the remote control fell down when I wanted to make the Film louder. She slipped under the couch so I went down to get her, when I was back up I sat between his legs. He said, "well, I'll help you," he helped me up and sat me down so that my legs were above his lap and his one arm supported my back and gently stroked him, I leaned my head against his shoulder and then he turns to me, puts his hand on my jawline and kisses me. We kiss more and more intensely and I sit on his lap, I feel his hard dick exactly at the right point. He grabs my ass and moves me up and down slightly. Then his hands go to my front, he wants to take off my T-shirt and I remember what John said about the couch, kira: "Ehm wait, don't we rather continue in my room?" Zayn: "okay" he takes me up, his one arm under the back of my knees and his other arm on my back. I say, the room at the end of the hallway. He throws me on my bed. He's so muscular and tall. He goes over me while I lay on my back, his two hands are on the side of my head and his dick hits my V, my hands claw into his back. I take off his shirt and he takes off his pants while I take off my shirt and pants, he looks at my lingerie and says "wow you look so sexy" he turns me around and glides over my back down to my ass with his hands, he slaps my ass and turns me over again and he lies on me and his dick presses more and more against my V. His hands go through my hair and I claw myself back into his back. He says ,,I can't hold it anymore" I sit down in front of him and he takes off my lingerie, he asks me ,,do we want to do it from the front first or do you want it from behind?" Kira: "I would prefer front for the beginning". He takes off his underpants and takes his condom out of his trouser pocket, he opens the condom and pulls it over and lies over me again, I angle my legs so that he can get in better. We kiss, I'm already so soaked, he drives in me and I moan, we keep kissing until we can only breathe and moan, it's so warm, he comes and pulls his dick out of me. Kira:,,The Bathroom is on the other end of the hallway, on the right." While he's in the bathroom, I'm laying on my stomach so we can make it from behind in the second round. He comes back and smiles Zayn:,,ready for round 2" Kira:,,yes!" Zayn:,,I really like your butt" Kira:,,thanks, I like your back, it's so muscular" Zayn:,,ready ?" Kira:,, Could we kiss for a while 'cause I think I'm dry again" Zayn:,,you want to Ride me while Kissing?"
I sit on his lap, my hands in his hair and his hands on my jawline and his dick slowly driving in me while I'm getting soaked again, he feels that I'm wet, he turns me and he positions my ass so it fits him perfectly, he finds the right position and drives deep in me, his dick is so big and hard, I'm screaming and he's breathing heavily, he slaps my ass multiple times and he grabs my waist and pushes her against his front and then he pulls me up while he chokes my neck and kisses my shoulder and I ride him a little bit. We came at the same time and fell asleep in my bed.

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