The day after

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I wake up, I look around and I realize he isn't here, I pull over a Blouse. I go slowly to the kitchen, I hear sounds and Zayn is standing in the kitchen Zayn:,,good morning, Desire for breakfast?" Kira:,,wow you made breakfast, That's.. really nice of you, I already thought you were gone" Zayn:,,nah I'm not that type of men." Kira:,,I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back in a minute"
I'm so tired and exhausted, How can he be so awake and motivated? Maybe he's a morning person. Oh man, my mascara has completely melted and he saw it, I quickly remove my mascara with make-up Water and a cotton pad and again new mascara on it and a little brown Kayal in the inside, on the waterline of the eye so that my eyes don't look so small and pale. Okay done. I walk down the hallway back to the kitchen, suddenly I remember last night again, did he have a condom on round 2 ??? Oh no.... I walk faster to the kitchen and ask him:,,hey Ehm a question, so yesterday at round 2, did you have a condom on?" Zayn:,,yes, I even came into the room with a condom, I already put it on in the bathroom because I knew it would continue right away, don't worry, I don't want to become a parent so young either, I'll pay attention" I breathe a sigh of relief, Zayn:,, would you like scrambled eggs or fried eggs?" Kira:,,fried egg please" Zayn:,, with pepper and sunny side" Kira:,,pepper yes, sunny side no, please from both sides, if something is soft on the egg makes me sick of it" Zayn:,,will be made boss". While he is cooking, I already set the table, I get the plates, cutlery and glasses from the kitchen cabinet. Zayn:,, is everything okay with you?" Kira:,,yes, why you asking me?" Zayn:,, I really enjoyed last night and I think it would be great if we could repeat that and so I wanted to show you my charming side" Kira:,, Really clever, yes I think I would also like to repeat yesterday" Zayn,, here is your egg madam" Kira:,, thanks, It looks delicious. Maybe after breakfast, you want to watch a movie really this time? We could continue watching Deadpool" Zayn:,, I would really like to, but I have to leave slowly after breakfast. We can finish the movie next time okay?" Kira:,, yeah that's fine" We continue to eat and when we are finished he says, "I still have about 10 minutes. Would you like to kiss?" Kira:,, Yes, that would be nice" Zayn:,,on the couch?" Kira:,,No, how about the kitchen counter?" We both smiled Zayn,,okay"
We get up, I jump backwards on the kitchen counter and he puts his hands on my jaw line and I wrap my legs around him. My fingertips glide through his hair. His hands go along my body, first to my boobs, then to the sides of my waist and to my ass but because I'm sitting there he can't do much so he goes back up to my jawline and we kiss again like yesterday. Zayn:,, Man I would really like to continue but I can't I really have to go"
Kira:,, yeah Thats okay"
Zayn quickly puts on his shoes and opens the door Zayn:,,see you next time" Kira:,, bye"

I turn on Netflix, mumbling in my blanket and at the same time continue to write my learning summary. I wonder where he had to go...

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