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Elijah leaves a note by my bed-stand.

𝓑𝓊𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒸𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝑜𝒻.

I miss Maisie. I miss my dad. Hell, I even miss my rickety old car. Eventually, I get bored and decide to roam the mansion. The library is first. I can't help but marvel at the art, plucked straight from history itself. Elijah's voice repeats in my mind. There's a canvas and world-class paints waiting for you if you change your mind. My hand drifts down said canvas.

Hovering over the brushes, I grab one hesitantly. I have not picked up a brush since my mother died. The thought tugs uncomfortably at my heart. I don't want to think about her.

The paints are world-class indeed. Deep and saturated hues. Yellows, blues, greens, and even sharp whites. The brush balances naturally as I grab a blueish-green, similar to Maisie's eyes. Without thinking the words, I know what I'm going to do. What I've always done. Let my emotions flow through brush-strokes, sure and steady.

But my emotions are more than I know. I end up with many different paintings, and smudges all over me. I've pulled my hair into a loose bun for more access. Some bear violent red, some neutral grays and blacks, and some with deep blues and greens. One is just angry slashing lines piled upon each other, like a scarred arm. From another peeks the too-wise eyes of my half-sister.

"I knew you had it in you." I jump, dropping a paint-stained brush. Elijah stands, poised as ever, in a deep blue suit. It has silver linens embroidered into the sleeves. "Change of plans. I'm taking you back to Mystic Falls." I almost fall over. I'm going back home? He's not going to kill me? "I've already packed up all your things." What? "Then why did you leave that note?"

"I left that note a day ago. You've been asleep for thirty-six hours." What?! "And you didn't think to call a doctor or something?" I exclaim. "I did. The doctor proclaimed you perfectly healthy, said that you were sleeping off days of exhaustion. By the way he described it, it sounded like you'd been exhausted before you were... 'taken'." I shuffle. So I've been here for roughly two and half days? We're practically on the deadline.

"Elena has decided to surrender. You're free." And just like that, it was over as soon as it started. I'm a free woman. So why does it feel like there's something else wrong?

"Regrettably, it's time for you to forget our little adventure." He grabs my shoulders, hard enough for me to cry out. To that, he loosens his grip ever so slightly. "Amelia Thatcher. You hit your head really hard on the way to your car. You had a concussion. I helped nurse you back to health, and now I'm bringing you home." Nothing. When I stay staring at him, he frowns.

"Why isn't it working? The vervain should be well out of your system by now." He grabs my hand and forces my index finger up. I wince as pricks it with a pin. Where did he get that? A single drop of blood rolls down. Carefully, he swipes at it, coating his own finger. Then he touches it to his tongue. Silence.  "There's no vervain in your blood. You were never on vervain." What does that mean?

"You can't be compelled. That cannot be. Unless...." He pauses, as if seeing me in a whole new light. "You're not human. You're supernatural." My mind spins. Me? Supernatural? Impossible. "That's impossible. How would I not know? What am I then?" He shakes his head. "You can be in the sun without daylight jewelry. Not vampire, then."

"No bursts of anger. At least, not extreme. Not werewolf. You're a witch, Amelia." I shake my head, not believing. "I can't be! My father is human."

"What about your mother?" I pause. I don't know who my real mother is. "I...I don't know." He shakes his head. "When you return home, you might want to have a chat with your father. You might not have any vervain in you, but your father was wearing some. In a ring." My world stops. Dad..my dad. He knew? He knew I wasn't human and he kept it a secret.

Elijah begins to walk away. "Wait!" I call out and grab for his wrist. He winces and yanks his hand away. I stop. His hand is a dull gray, practically decayed. Within moments, it returns to its normal tan color. He surveys me with suspicion. "What kind of witch are you?" I sputter. "I-I don't know. I don't understand what's happening."

"Calm down. I'm sure your father will have the answers. It's beyond me why he kept this from you."


The ride back is entirely too quiet. We drive for hours on end, this time not stopping for anything. Elijah makes a phone call halfway through, to someone named "Jonas".  My eyes are hurting and so is something else but I don't know what. As the familiar run-down "welcome to mystic falls" sign comes into view, I straighten up. It's amazing that I ever thought this place was just a normal town.

Elijah stops by my house. "I'm a man of my word. No harm befell your father in your absence. But know this. Our business is not finished, Amelia." I arch an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"You're supernatural. The more you delve into history, the more you get involved in. I guarantee, we'll see each other again. Sooner than you might think. Goodbye for now, Amelia." I hesitate, but then hop out. He doesn't deserve a proper goodbye. He did kidnap me and threaten my father, after all. No amount of hospitality and food is going to change that.

The trunk is already popped by the time I round the car. In it, I find my suitcase. Elijah drives off almost as soon as I step through the door. I hear the tires screech, then he's gone into the night. Perhaps gone for good. But I know better than to believe that. My father is immediately on me. "Amelia! Oh my God! You're alright! I was terrified. I didn't know when he would bring you back, and I knew I couldn't call the cops."

He hugs me tight. I don't hug back. He pulls back and gives me once-over. I stare back coldly. "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask with a steely voice. "What? What are you taking about?"

"Where's your ring, dad? Hm? Who's my mother? My real mother?" He pales. "You figured it out, then."

"Figured out what exactly dad?! That I'm not human? That you've been lying to me my whole life?!" He winces. "Lower your voice. You'll wake Maisie." That does it. "To hell with Maisie!" I snap. "I found the picture, dad. Of Josette. Who is she? How is she related to my mother? Why am I named after her?" He's avoiding my gaze now, probably out of shame. Or guilt.

"You've got it all wrong, Mia. She isn't related to your mother." Huh? "What?"

"Mia, Josette is your mother."



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