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I'll be seventeen forever. And I haven't even had a chance to understand. I was supposed to be eighteen. On my drivers license, it'll say eighteen. But I'll know.

Damon sighs exaggeratedly. Glad to see someone's back to his old self. "You're a new vampire, your emotions are heightened. Go eat a squirrel, yada yada. My brother's good at this kind of stuff usually." I frown. "What stuff?"

"Newbie vampire shit. Now you can leave my house."  Then he pauses, and narrows his eyes. "What were you doing in the basement?" I fidget under his glare. How does he do that? Go from caring, feeling Damon to cold, uncaring Damon? "I-"A sharp ring cuts through the air. Damon removes his phone from his pocket whilst keeping his eyes on me. "Hello?"

"What?! Oh, hell no. You've got to be kidding. Alright, stay put. I'll call Stefan." He hangs up with a select few curse words. "What is it?" He looks up. "Looks like someone got your wish. Isobel just showed up at Elena's door."

"Who's Isobel?" He rolls his eyes. "Elena's birth mom. And aren't you supposed to have super-hearing now?"

"Never mind that. Why is Isobel a problem? Won't it be good for Elena to meet her mother?"

"Absolutely not. Isobel is not good news. She left Alaric and faked her death, then gave up Elena to her aunt and uncle. That's not even all of it." Hm. She doesn't sound very motherly to me. "Yeah, you really need to leave now. I don't need you involved with Isobel. However, I probably shouldn't leave you unsupervised." He ponders. "I can't just let you go home. But Stefan can't..." I tune out, one phrase sticks to mind.

"What do you mean I can't go home?" He looks at me like I'm stupid. "You have to get yourself under control and yada yada. One little slip and oops! Poor Junior is dead. And what's this? Oops! Another slip. Poor Daddy is splattered all over the walls. You haven't even fed yet. Someone really should have taught you all this mess. It's just a shame that Katherine seems to have disappeared into thin air. Really, you should be her responsibility. But seeing as how I'm not nearly as cruel as her, I'll stick you with Care-Bear."


"Have you lost your insane mind?!" Caroline screeches. "Another vampire? Do I need to remind you what happened to the last teenage girl you turned?!" Caroline is none too happy to be left with babysitting duty."Oh, relax. Vicki was a stoner with a shitty life. And besides. I didn't turn her. Elijah did. Technically." She blanks at that.

"Wha-how-"? Damon rolls his shoulders back. "Nefarious means. Katherine did it for him." Caroline narrows her eyes. "Katherine." She spits the name like a curse. Maybe it is. Damon groans. "Alright. Just teach her the basics. And get her a daylight ring. I'm not stuffing her in my trunk again." Caroline's eyes widen. I shake off invisible sensations of carpet rubbing up against my skin like sandpaper.

"The trunk?! You poor thing. Here, come in." She waves me in. Relieved, I finally duck out from underneath Damon's shadow and into the house. "And you. How do you even know where I live?" She grumbles with contempt. "Listen, I really need to go. Now. Handle it. I've got enough of my mind to be worrying about a baby vampire running around killing people." He disregards me and is gone in seconds.

Who needs cars when you have superhuman speed?

Caroline shuts the door behind him. I stay pressed up against the wall. She apologizes profusely as she quickly speeds throughout the house and removes all crevices of sunlight. "I guess since Stefan isn't around to teach you, it's up to me, but no worries. I was taught by him personally. You're in great hands.  Now first-" a knock resounds. Caroline groans. "Oh no." My spine stiffens.

A wonderful, enticing smell wafts into my nose. A sharp pain in my lip alerts me my fangs are out. I inhale deeply. "Mia." Caroline warns. My face reflects back at me in a mirror on the wall. It's dark and monstrous. So this is what my father was afraid of. Maybe I look like Elijah now. But I can't imagine such a noble soul having such a monstrous face. If you could call him that. Despite his wrongdoings, Elijah's done everything with purpose, a reason.

That's more than some of the people here can say. "Go in my room." She whispers. But I hear it like she's right next to me. I navigate through the house while she answers the door. My ears refuse to pick up the conversation, while I occupy myself. I almost attacked them. Whoever is in that room. But I didn't. And I think that's progress. The fact that I'm able to resist even though they're less than twenty feet away from me and I haven't fed all day is an accomplishment in my book.

Caroline slowly comes into the room. "Who was that?" I question her. "Just Matt. He wanted to know the truth about his sister, Vicki." She sighs, and sits on her bed. I plop down next to her. "So, what happened to her?" Funnily enough, this is the second time hearing her name. Everyone around here seems to know something about her that I don't. But it's just that. I never even met her.

"She...died. Kind of. It's complicated. She was a druggie and a drunk, and she was with Jeremy. But Damon turned her. And when she got out of control and tried to kill Jeremy, he put her down. No one knows what really happened to her, though. Matt wanted to. And now he doesn't. He asked me to compel him, so I did." She sighs again and her shoulders slump like she's been defeated.

"You're not a bad person Caroline. It wasn't your place to tell him, not really. It was Damon's. And, what he doesn't know can't hurt him." She shrugs. "I guess you're right."

Everytime I think I know eveything about this town, I learn something else against my will. I'm beginning to think I don't really want to know anything. Maybe it's better that way, in a town full of dark secrets and even darker residents.



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