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It's bright. So bright. And...loud. "Urgh." I grunt as I begin moving my aching limbs. Except it's not bright. It's night. If that isn't confusing enough, my vision is swimming in and out. My throat is burning, and my skin is itchy, uncomfortable. I sit up slowly. I'm right where Katherine left me. Katherine. I should warn Elena.

I stumble up, and check for my cell. There's at least five missed calls, and all from different people. I scan them, squinting at the screen. 1 from Damon, 1 from Maisie, and 3 from Elena. When did I get Damon's number? They must all think something happened to me.  Well, something did happen. I call Elena. Her voice sounds strange, distorted.

It's loud, brash in my ear. I wince and hold it further away from me. "Mia? Where have you been? We've all been worried." I shrug, then remember she can't see me. "I don't know. Katherine must have knocked me out." There's a pause on the other end, followed by some shuffling and voices. "Katherine?" I recognize that voice. It's Stefan Salvatore.

"Yes." I yawn, feeling strangely tired. "She tricked me into thinking she was Elena, and brought me to some street."

"Where are you?"

The phone is snatched out of my hand. "Put the phone on speaker." Katherine says. I'm too exhausted to do otherwise. "Hello, Salvatores." I can hear the sneer through the phone. "You literally just left. What the hell did you do?" It's Damon. "Oh, nothing. It's just a little old tethering curse. Elijah and dearest Amelia are linked now. You can't kill one without killing the other." A pause. But I'm confused again. "I thought Elijah was dead?" Damon sighs. "Unofficially. He's in a comatose state until we can figure out how to kill him for real."

My heart thuds painfully. Or, does it? I frown, but realize I can't feel my heart beating. Panicking, I feel with my fingers for a pulse. There's none. "Am I..am I dead?" I gasp. Katherine smirks again. "Bingo. Well, kind of. You're in a transitional state. I used Elijah's blood to turn you. As long as he's 'asleep' you'll remain in this state. Not alive, not dead. The second he wakes up, you'll die. Magic states it. Or, you can complete the transition, but you'll likely die. Painfully. Being a werewolf and all."

No. I'll never see Elijah alive again? The thought is as painful as the thought of him dead. A sick feeling spreads in my stomach. I have no way out. I'm going to die. For real this time. It's funny how things come full circle like this. My fate is in Elijah's hands once again. A strained voice comes through the phone. "Fine. What do you want?" Damon speaks through clenched teeth. I hear him grinding them. "Nothing. There's no way out this time." Katherine says, in a sing-song voice.

Damon shouts through the phone. "Dammit! This makes no sense. You were literally working with us not fifteen minutes ago! Why did you change up so quickly?" A pause. Some shuffling. "You didn't, did you? This isn't your work. Someone is working through you. Who are you working for Katherine?" Stefan inquires. The tight-lipped smile on her face tells me he's hit home.

"You'll never find out. Enjoy the latest work of Katherine Pierce." She's gone in a whisper. I can hear Damon shouting in the background. I don't know why he cares. It's not like he even likes me. But wait. Why would he even want Elijah undaggered in the first place? "Where are you, Sparky?" He asks through the phone. "Blight road." A light breeze fans across my face as he appears behind me. I hang up the phone, and sigh.

My body is weakening by the moment. I'm gonna be stuck like this, weak, barely alive. Maisie can't see me like this. "You look like hell." He mutters as he quite literally sweeps me off my feet. My head flops back. "Can I stay at your place tonight?" I yawn. He nods silently. "Go to sleep Sparky. You're gonna need it." My eyes slide shut.

Today has been hard enough. But now? My birthday was in two days. Just two. But now it'll be never. I'll be stuck 17. For who knows how long? I can't eat in this state. The only reason I'm even gonna survive past 24 hours is because I'm bound to Elijah. Who's gonna watch Maisie? Who's gonna keep her out of trouble? And dad. A choked off sob escapes me. Damon hesitates, and wipes a tear from my face.

"Don't cry, Mia. We'll figure something out." It's the first time he's called me by my real name, and somehow that makes me feel worse.


A/N: ☹️

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