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It's funny how when someone's watching you, you can feel it. Like, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up and a prickly feeling crawling up. And that's exactly what it feels like right now. I shiver in the cold air. The night sky is unusually dark, even the moon seems obscured. I don't like this. I hardly know this town, let alone know how to navigate my way in the dark.

A twig snaps, causing me to jump. "Hello?" My whole body goes rigid when a hand claps over my mouth. My muffled screams are no use. I try kicking out but none land. My thoughts begin to blend together as I inhale the mystery substance. My limbs turn to liquid and my vision swims until I'm melting against them. It all fades to blackness, and the last thing I'm aware of is the mystery person, swinging me up into their arms.


"Oh hell. Trevor?! Who is that?" A shuffling sound. My throat feels dry and achy. I don't know where I am. The only thing that gives any indication is the dusty air, ticking my nose. Strangely enough, my hands are not tied, there's no gag in my mouth, and no blindfold over my eyes. Nevertheless, they stay shut so I can give the illusion I'm still unconscious. Maybe if they leave, I can scope out the scenery, see when I am, and figure out how to escape.

"It's not her. That's not the Petrova doppelgänger." A male voice says.

"Duh, you think?! Elijah will have our heads if he thinks we've played him false." A sigh. "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. I'll go get her." Footsteps recede and I try not to make a sound. "Oh, and get rid of her. No witnesses. You know the rules." My heart begins pounding as I realize what he means to do to me. He's going to kill me.

Fear seizes my brain, slowing down its ability to think. I stay perfectly still as he lifts me from whatever it is I lie on. When I feel the surface disappear from underneath me, my eyes fly open and I elbow him in the face, hard. He drops me with a shout. Breathing hard, I make a sharp right and begin running. The house is abandoned practically, dust covered with old furniture everywhere.

I round a corner and spot the front door. Relief pulses through me so strong that I nearly collapse. My legs pump harder and just as I reach the door, he appears in front of me. I come to a halting stop. He's furious, but somehow also nervous. Then his face contorts. Black veins stretch from his eyes, which rapidly dilute to a dark red. Like a monster. My mouth opens but the scream dies on my lips.

He grabs me and bangs me against the wall. Pain explodes behind my eyelids as I slide down it.

Not again.


I wake up for the third time in a row. I'm lying on the floor. My hair is splayed out all around me, and I'm lying on my stomach. A few feet away from me, there's a couch. And a girl. A pretty brunette with a blood-stained pink shirt and low rise jeans. "What do you want?" She asks the man hovering over her. He leans down. She begins gasping and trying to push him away. I can't see why, but I don't need to.

"Shh..just a taste." He says to her. I scramble to my feet, despite being slightly dizzy, and kick him where the sun doesn't shine. He grunts and whips around, hissing. He grabs my face and jerks it to the side, exposing my neck. "Trevor!" He lets go of my face, and slinks away. The girl is standing now, staring at the woman at the top of the double staircase.

She has black cropped hair, frayed at the edges. "My my, you really look just like her." She's in front of her impossibly fast. "But I'm not her!" The woman shushes her. "What do you want?" The woman rears back her hand, and before I can warn her, it's already tearing through the air, landing on her face. She jerks back, practically flying through the air.

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