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"So, as you've seen, nothing can kill an Original. Not sun, not fire, not even a werewolf bite. Only the wood from one tree, a tree my family made sure to burn. That's where the white ash from the dagger comes from. Yes, witches won't allow anything truly immortal to walk the earth." Me and Elena listen with rapt attention while we walk alongside Elijah. "Every creature needs to have a weakness in order to maintain balance."

"So, the sun can't kill an Original, then why is Klaus so obsessed with breaking the Sun and Moon curse?" Elena questions. "Right. The 'Sun and Moon Curse'. It's a little biblical sounding, don't you think?" We stop by a bridge. Elijah stares pointedly at Elena with a mischievous smile. I shuffle, somewhat jealous. "What's so funny?" She sniffs. Elijah briefly tells us a story about him and Klaus. Elena shrugs. "So, what? Klaus drew the Aztec sketches about the curse?"

"Roman scrolls, African travel etchings, and any other cultural continent we felt like planting it."

"But why?"

"Easiest way to discover the existence of a doppelgänger and to get your hands on some long-lost moonstone was to have every single member of two warring species looking for it." Elena is still confused, as am I. Elijah sighs. "The Sun and Moon Curse is fake." Elena's eyes widen in astonishment and I'm sure mine do too. All of this fuss, kidnapping, and murder over a myth? Elijah shrugs and continues walking.

Elena stays back, clearly still processing. I walk beside him. "How long was I out?" He asks, after a few moments. "Not long." I respond. Truth be told, I'm not sure how Elijah will react if I reveal I was turned, and by his blood, no less. "Oh hell." I'm stunned to hear Elena curse, for the first time well, ever. "I have to go." She groans. "Look, just wait for me. Please?"

Elijah nods, and waves her away. We watch as she rushes off the Lockwood estate. "Why don't we go in? I'm distantly related to the Lockwood's, you know." He raises his eyebrows. "No, I did not know. How...enlightening." We make our way up the hill, to the house. Once inside, Elijah stands by the fireplace, and after a while, I sit down in an armchair. I pick at my nails, nervous.

"So, who did it?" I frown in confusion. "What?" Elijah turns. "Who did this to you? Who condemned you to an eternal life?" I shoot up off the chair. "How'd you know?" I inquire. "Your ring." He nods to my hand, but must see the question in my eyes. "I've seen and been around enough daylight jewelry to recognize one. And your scent. You don't smell the same. I have a theory about that. Once you die, technically your body is no longer alive. But somehow, our blood can still heal humans and others."

"I think it is a mockery, a loophole from the Original witch. We are not alive ourselves, but we can make others alive. It's not to say you smell unpleasant, it's the opposite, acutally. You probably wouldn't notice, because you're a new vampire, I'm assuming?" Wordlessly, I nod. All the while, moving subconsciously closer to him. "Once you reach a certain age, you can smell the difference between species. Vampires in particular give off an overly sweet aroma, like cinnamon and sugar."

"But not you. You smell...just right." He clears his throat. "Maybe it's because of your werewolf blood." I'm right up next to him now. He reaches out, and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. My eyes stay glued to his, which seem to be staring straight through mine, as if he can see my soul. In his eyes, I see...age. Wisdom. Wiseness. And...a hint of something else. It clouds his eyes, consuming them.

His eyes dare to dart down. Before I can react, he's leaning closer, closer, until our foreheads are practically touching. My bottom lip trembles, and I wait. I want him to kiss me. The realization is as shocking as the actual action. Elijah just softly, touches his lips to mine. Like a light switch, fireworks light up inside of me. And my body is on fire, and he's set me on fire. Every inch of me yearns to be closer.

Then his kiss turns desperate, more like need. Like, he needs my kiss to breathe. His hand slips up into my hair, and holds my head there. My hands press firmly to his chest, feeling his heart beat. I know he must be able to hear mine, with how loud it's pounding. Then he's wrapping his arms around me, and pulling me flush against him. And we fit. Just like that. Suddenly, everything is so clear.

Elijah is my missing piece.

A door slam causes us to break apart and I move away from him. It's Elena, come to hear the rest of the story. For the first time, I'm somewhat displeased to see her. I hope she doesn't notice how heavily I breathe, or how Elijah's suit is slightly wrinkled. He turns to see her, and his look is one of nonchalance, like nothing even happened. Everyone is Mystic Falls has one hell of a poker face.

Elena starts in immediately. "Tell me. What is Klaus's curse?" Elijah allows a small smile at her eagerness. But I'm curious as well. She takes a seat, and I sit down next to her, on a small sofa. "My family was quite close. Klaus and my father did not get along too well. When we became vampires we discovered the truth. Klaus was not my father's son." What? I know that they're brothers, obviously derived from the last names, but only half?

"My mother had been unfaithful many years before, this was her darkest secret. Klaus's from a different bloodline." It all makes sense now. After all, how can Klaus be a hybrid and not Elijah?  "Of course when my father discovered this, he hunted down and he killed my mother's lover and his entire family, not realizing of course that he was igniting a war between species that still wages on today."

"A war between species?"

"The vampires, and the werewolves."

"So, Klaus' real father was from a werewolf bloodline? What does that make Klaus? A werewolf? Or a vampire?"

"He's both." Elena's eyes fill with terror and astonishment as it finally dawns on her the immense danger she's in. "A hybrid would be different than any other werewolf or vampire. Nature would not stand for such an imbalance of power therefore the witches, servants of nature, saw to it that my brother's werewolf side would become dormant." Elijah continues. "So, that's the curse Klaus wants to break?"

"He wants to trigger the part of him that's a werewolf. If allowed, Klaus would build his own bloodline, and begin a new race. Not just endangering vampires, everyone." Elena stands from her seat, recovered quickly from the shock. "But you helped him."

"I helped him because I loved him. That's changed. Now, he must die."

"We have the dagger now, we can stop him." Elena proclaims. "When a werewolf is wounded by silver, it heals. And Original can't be killed by anything but white oak ash." Elena crosses her arms and begins pacing. "The dagger will not work." He finishes. "What're you saying? There's no way to kill Klaus?"Elena asks weakly. "There's one way to kill any supernatural species." I perk up, listening even more intently. "At the hand of the servants of nature themselves." Witches.

"A witch. If they can channel enough power."

"Correct. He'll be at his most vulnerable. A witch with enough power, can kill Klaus."

Damon is pissed when we tell him, it makes no difference. The sacrifice will commence. Bonnie will kill Klaus, with my added help. With Bonnie channeling her ancestors power, and I with my basically unlimited magic, he'll never see us coming.



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