Salvation! The Yuuzhan Vong War is coming to an end and the New Alliance Transcendence Organization, or N.A.T.O. is losing much of the known galaxy by the extra-galactic invaders. Closer to the end of the losing conflict, N.A.T.O, knowing they have...
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The Mon Mothma
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Huntress, using psychological strategies which involved boosting the morale of one's own forces while degrading that of the enemy's.
Huntress's Navy used conventional strategies against the ever decreasing Covenant forces and ships which involved identifying Imperial forces attacking significant military objectives to reduce the enemy's territory and military forces.
The Imperial Navy used an overall strategy of focusing on capital ship firepower rather than starfighter superiority. This was reflected through the design of their starships, the formation of their naval units and the overall organization of the force. The most recognizable symbol of the Imperial Starfleet was the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, which peaked at over twenty-five thousand vessels, although millions of starships of different designs were fielded for various purposes.
The most basic combat formation in the Imperial Navy was the line of battle, or simply a line, and the smallest organizational unit used for space combat.[16] The Imperial Starfleet shaped four to twenty starships into lines, depending on type. The line was the most amorphous level of organization in the Starfleet. The Imperial Starfleet Order of Battle outlined seven types of lines: attack, heavy attack, reconnaissance, pursuit, skirmish, troop and torpedo.[16] In addition to the seven types of lines, the Imperial Navy considered an Imperial-class Star Destroyer a line in itself. While an Imperial-class Star Destroyer may have been able to act as an attack line and its complement of starfighters as a skirmish line, the decision to give commanders the option to field a ship equivalent to a heavy cruiser as a line unto itself was more political than tactical. After a naval staff study suggested a Star Destroyer was the field equivalent of the smallest of naval squadrons, the Admiralty decided that, as there were more lines than squadrons, designating the Star Destroyer as a line unit would get them more Star Destroyers.