Chapter 2

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*Lena's POV*

I got home from Ethan and Nathan's house. Boo Radley hadn't followed me home today, unlike any other day. I knew something was up, if Boo couldn't even follow me home, then something must be wrong.

"Uncle Macon, are you there?" I called from the button of the stairs. There was a shuffling sound, coming from the carpet upstairs. My uncle stepped out from the dark, looking sickly pale. He looked scared and that's weird, because he's never looking scared. Something big is coming, and I don't know if it something that I need to worry about.

"Are you okay, Uncle Macon, you look a little pale?" At first he don't even acknowledge me, like he can't see me right, but he gets over it and answer me.

"Mrs. Kyrie is coming." He answered in a monotone. He recovered himself, his face went blank again, like it always do.

Then his words hit me. 'Mrs. Kyrie is coming.' Mrs. Kyrie also known as Valeria Kyrie, my crazy best friend! That's why Uncle Macon is so nervous. Ria (Valeria) is a well known badass in Virginia, where I lived with my Grandma. We became bestfriends instantly, when she punched a snob, because she said I was a freak. I smiled at the memory, but became sad when i remembered why she left. Clearly Ethan could sense this, because he contacted me.

'Lena, is something happening?! Why are you sad?' Ethan's panicked and worried voice, called from my head. I smiled at the thought, of how worried he sounded. He really cared, and it warmed my heart.

'Ethan, don't worry, nothing is happening. I just remembered, something sad from my past.' I could almost hear him sigh, in relief. I had forgot that Uncle Macon still was there, so when he cleared his throat, I jumped.

'Was maked y-' Ethan asked.

'I need to go, Ethan' And then, I blocked him out.

"If you have time to listen for a minute, Lena, I would like to inform you, that Mrs. Kyrie is coming in two days. Now, Lena, it's getting late, you should go to bed." I squaled in delight, something I don't do often, Ria was coming in two days. Finally someone, who could set Emily and Savannah in place.

I said goodnight to, Uncle Macon, and went upstairs in my bed.

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