Chapter 5

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*Lena's POV*

Link and me, reached the Wate twins fast. Ethan took my hand, and pulled me to him. I smiled up at him, knowing that he really did care for me. Looking to Nathan, I saw Link trying to keep a conversation up with him, but it seemed like it didn't really work. Now that I'm thinking about, Nathan really is becoming distant. Not really talking, and when he does it's only a few words. It must have something to do with the dreams, he's having. I came back into reality, when Ethan started shaking me. 

"What?" I mumbled, thoughts about Nathan and his wellbeing going through my mind. 

"Lena, I've been talking to you for a few minutes. Haven't you heard a thing, I've said? Never mind." Ethan said under his breath. Ethan took my hand in his. I noticed we were going in the opposite direction of the cafeteria. I was about to question it, but didn't want to bother the guys. Even though they've accepted me doesn't mean, I'm 100% comfortable with them. Everywhere I've been, people have bullied me for being different, and that stays with you. Words hurts, it leaves wounds, that will always be there.

Principal Harper told us, that we have to eat lunch outside today... 

Came it from Ethan. I grinned, knowing that Principal Harper wasn't being anymore weird than normal. 

*Third persons POV*

When Ethan looked down at Lena, he saw the biggest grin he'd ever seen on her face. Ethan was jealous, knowing that it wasn't him, that caused it. Ethan had become touchy with Lena lately, always holding her hand or kissing her on the forehead. The way Lena had started looking at his brother, Nathan, left Ethan on edge. Ethan thought, that since Nathan started with the dreams he and Lena would fall in love, forgetting completely about him. That's why Ethan thought, that Nathan were lying about the dreams. Ethan thought, Nathan was in love with his girlfriend, and tried stealing her away.

When Link looked at Ethan, he could see how happy Lena made him. Link was happy for the couple, for he always wished for a relationship like that, we're the partners understood eachother and didn't judge. In secret Link envied, Ethans relationship with Lena. Even though the twins looked exactly the same, except for the eyes, you could see how different they were. Ethan, the older twin, were oozing with happiness and young love. But when you looked at Nathan, you saw nothing, but a shell. The purple, sickly looking bags under his eyes, his usually tan face, now as white as a ghost. A ghost, that's the best way to describe Nathan, not doing anything, just wandering around without a purpose. Link was worried for his friend, not knowing what made him that unhappy and hollow. Worried that noone seemed to do anything, about his best friends state, worried that he'd do somkething, he would surely regret. Sighning, Link went back to stare at his worn out Converse, slapping the floors.

Nathan were lost. Not knowing what to do with the dreams, or his life. Everything seemed unimportant to him. Every time he saw his brother and Lena together, he couldn't help but feel longing. Wanting someone, to look at him like that. Nathan dreams, no scratch that, nightmares were getting worse, not only did the mystery girl drown, Nathan saw her getting tortured, killed everything you don't want to see, he saw and it involved Her. Nathan had seen the concerned looks Lena and Link kept sending him, but he couldn't do anything about it, She wasn't alright, so how could he be? Ethans angry looks, hadn't passed him either, but he couldn't figure out, what he had done to his twin to make him that angry. But again he couldn't get himself to care, because She wasn't standing by his side, helping him, guiding him. For some it may be extreme, loving and caring for someone, he doesn't know. Hell, he didn't even know if She was truly real, Ethan would surely say that he's making it all up, due to him feeling left out, but that wasn't the case. He would never joke, about something or someone, hurting Her.  


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2014 ⏰

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