Chapter 4

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*Lena's POV*

When I woke up my immediate thought was, do I really have to go to school today? I knew the answer, and I didn't like it. I went into some kind of zombie-mood, where everything I did was slow. I got ready, and went down to get breakfast. I slumped down in my chair, not even the food from The Kitchen, could cheer me up. Uncle Macon lifted his eyebrow and studied me and my depressed manor. 

"I know I'm not a big fan of our guest, who still hasn't arrived, but I know you are. So mind telling me what's wrong?" He asked me. Guest? I don't know anything about a gue- Ria. I forgot, I just hope she doesn't hear about me forgetting her. I hopped up from the chair, I was sat on. I took an apple from the fruitbowl on the table, said bye to Uncle Macon and took the keys to the car. When I parked, I saw Nate and Ethan waiting for me by one of the many tables. When the weather wasn't burning hot, the students would sit outside eating lunch.

I went up to the two brothers, and gave them each a hug. Ethan smiled to me, while Nate seemed to be in another world and really fidgety. I frowned at him, wondering if he's okay.

"He's ben like that all morning, he woke the whole house up with his yelling." I leaned into Ethan, wondering what's his dream was about. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the bell rang. I sighed dissapointed, did Ria forget me, like I forgot her this morning? God I hope not. Ethan took my hand, and dragged me to our first class, Nate who had been pulled out of his own world, followed behind. People threw me glares and comments, I looked down hoping Ria, could stop it. Ethan noticing my lack of comfort pulled me into his side, letting me relax a little.

Things went slow, considering me and the Wate brothers had very few classes together. Those classes were the hardest. There wasn't any support, only glares and paperballs, the teachers does nothing about it, they have the same opinion as the rest of the students. Lunch came by, and if I wouldn't have been labelled as crazy, I would have sprinted to the brothers last class before lunch. I ran into Link on the way to their class. We didn't really talk much, but just knowing that someone wanted to willingly associate with me, was nice. The guys stood leaned against a wall, beside their class.  

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