From Bad to Not So Bad

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­­The ride home was bad, but it could be worse, Coralee reflected. She knew where she stood, and she knew where her parents stood and if you knew a fight was coming that gave you an edge.

She was going to marry Travis and they knew it. She didn't know if she could bring her parents around but as far as she was concerned all parties would have to learn to get along. Someday there would be grandkids and things would have to change, but that was not an immediate concern.

Travis sent her a text; though reading still made her a little dizzy it was preferable to talking to him in front of her mother. He'd included some pictures of the ranch in Texas and a German shepherd puppy that wore a collar that said, "I'm yours."

"What does he say?" her mother asked, breaking the silence that had been maintained since they left the hospital.

"Oh, he's asking how I feel, telling me I need to take it easy—like I need to be told! He's included some pictures of the ranch, it looks nice. The house is big but not too big and not pretentious. The inside looks comfortable. The bedrooms are upstairs, and he's got ours furnished, the rest can wait until we start planning to have kids or guests."

"Now don't tell me you're thinking about getting pregnant..." she started to say but Coralee cut her off.

"Katie and I have implants, Mom, I can't get pregnant until I have it removed. He knows I'm not in a hurry and he's promised not to rush me. I have plenty of time for kids, you and Dad may have started young but that doesn't mean I'm going to. You'll have to wait a while for grandchildren."

Gemma grimaced then thought, thank god for that. It wasn't like she wanted to hear that her daughters had sex lives, then reflected she may not be giving them the credit they deserved. Coralee's choice of husband may be doubtful, but Travis had made a good case when he talked to the Benjamin and her. He could provide for her, he was prepared to change his ways and be a good husband.

He even approved of the improvements she wanted to make. He liked the idea of the greenhouse designed for hot weather, and the outdoor garden using Native American techniques. The chicken coup and the goats for milk would work and were suited for Texas. Taking the ranch solar and off-grid made sense considering Texas' power grid problems.

Her daughter was going to marry Travis and there was nothing she or her husband could do about it. Travis was a self-made man, and she was sure he could give Coralee a good life. The wedding date had not been set, but he promised not to rush it.

"I'll show you the pictures he sent when we stop, Mom, there's this one of a German Shepherd puppy he included, I don't know why. It's cute anyway. Let's get off at the next exit, I think I need to eat something, my stomach is feeling kind of queasy."

They pulled off the highway and went to a little café named "Lily's". Gemma had a salad and watched her daughter devour a burger and fries—her health was recovering by leaps and bounds. It always bothered Gemma when her family went to work the herds, there was always something that could happen, but it was the rancher's way of life.

Coralee showed her the pictures Travis had sent, and she was impressed with what she saw. Travis had grown up without a lot of money and had worked hard and made a name for himself. He tried to compensate for his childhood by becoming a success, but Coralee didn't care about that. She had grown up well off and the emphasis had never been on money. If Travis could provide her with a warm, comfortable cabin that would be enough for her.

"What do you think of the puppy, Ma, isn't he cute? I wonder if it's just a picture or if an actual puppy is going to be in the picture?"

"That's all you need, puppies are a mess. Did Travis say when he'll be home?"

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