Missing Home, Missing Him

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Another week to wait, Coralee told herself, and that's only if nothing comes up and Travis gets here when he said he will. I can't believe I'm almost eight months along. I wish I wouldn't worry so much, Monica told me it's only the pregnancy and the raging hormones, but I miss my husband and I want him to come home.

Part of her wished she could have the baby while they were staying at the Yellowstone. It was only an hour's drive to the hospital, but if she could not make the drive, they had the helicopter. There was an element of safety here that the ranch in Texas lacked.

The thought of having the baby at home terrified her. At the hospital, they would give her an epidural and that would make the labor pains bearable and the birth easier. She wasn't ashamed to admit that she was a coward, a lot of women felt the same. It would be easier to deliver here than in Texas.

She missed Katie and wanted her to be with her. They had been through so much together and had promised each other to be at their children's births. Katie had been a constant in her life, someone who had always been there for her. They might argue, they might even swear that they hated each other, but their sisters' bond was strong, and could endure the conflicts that always came with siblings.

She wanted Katie to get better, she didn't like seeing her sister so despondent. Even though it might be foolish she wondered if her sister could reunite with Ryan. They each had their faults but at some point, the relationship seemed to be going well.

Katie and Ryan seemed like a good fit. Ryan had a strong work ethic, and so did Katie. Katie didn't think she was too good to muck stalls and saddle horses. She could cook and clean and keep a good house if she wanted, all that she required was appreciation and a little help. Like her sister, Katie loved cowboys. Neither girl would have been happy with a partner who went to work every day in a three-piece suit. Both liked men who were not afraid to get their hands dirty.

Katie would be here soon, so how would she and Ryan react to each other? Coralee wanted to bring them back together, but she didn't know how, or if she should. Travis would tell her to leave it alone, and maybe he was right, but she wanted Katie to be happy. If Ryan could only forgive her, she thought, maybe they could start over, now that they knew each other's weaknesses.

It was too bad that Walker was with Laramie, but the two of them were clearly made for each other. Coralee didn't know where they would take their relationship, but it was clear that no one could come between them.

She went outdoors to sit on the great porch, the gathering place of the Duttons. They would spend time there until the weather grew too cold, and then they would retreat to John's sitting room and congregate themselves in front of the giant stone fireplace.

Monica came out holding the baby in one arm, and in her free hand a reddish-purple smoothie. "From Gator," she said, "To help build up your strength. Do you feel like everyone in the ranch thinks that they're playing a part in your having this baby?"

"Yes, I know, but you've got to understand that the Yellowstone is my family. Every weekend, weather permitting, Dad would load us in the car and bring us here to help on the ranch. I guess you could say I grew up here, I've seen hands come and go. We'd do everything from cleaning barns to helping herd the cattle. This is where I learned to ride, then when I got older Travis started coming around and taught me to barrel race. Then, he taught me reining and cutting and convinced Dad to let me start competing in the rodeos and shows.

"I can't imagine what that was like," said Monica, "We had cows and horses but never on this scale. I competed a little, but that wasn't really where my head was. I enjoyed watching the Indian rodeos, but after a while, it just wasn't my thing anymore. Now I teach at the school and take care of my son and husband, and that's plenty for me."

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