10 3 1

TW: swearing.

Quackitys Pov:

I stood anxiously in my dressing room as Karl zipped up my dress.

It was yellow and poofy with tool on top of the base,flowers of pink and blue scattered around somehow neatly but randomly. I wore a small diamond necklace,no rings(yet lol), and pale yellow flats.

                                            /\Here it is for reference |

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Here it is for reference |

Karl wore a nice yellow dress with a small layer of tool covering the semi tight ankle length skirt.

"Ready?" He looked at me proudly.

"I think so." I held my bouquet that held red, yellow, white,and blue roses along with other assorted flowers.

They took their turns walking up to the podium stage thingy, like I know what it's called...

Then came my turn. I turned to see techno,his dark blue tux brining the bubblegum pink of his hair.

He held out his arm, signaling me it was time.

I held his arm,my bouquet in the other hand.

The wedding march started playing as we came into view. My eyes lit up as Wilbur looked twords me. He also wore a dark blue tux, but it had some fancier features to it unlike the others.

We slowly walked down the isle, arriving at the stage. I let go of his arm, turning twords him and hugging him tightly.

"Knock em' dead,kid." He whispered reassuringly. I stepped up,now standing in front of Wilbur.

The ceremony went on smoothly as we reached the vows. Wilbur went first, holding my hands and looking at me with his gorgeous hazel eyes shimmering in the sunlight.

"Ever since we met at that bus stop, I knew that you were special,that you were different than the others. Your the light of my life, you are the new sunrise. I guess what I'm trying to say is,you are one of the most important things in my life,and that will never change. I love you, always and forever,Alex." He smiled at me as the friends and family in the crowd awed quickly.

My turn..

"Wilbur,I never thought I would meet someone as kind, caring, intelligent, and gentle as you. I have no clue what I did to deserve you,but I'm glad I did it because you are truly the love of my life. I will always love you, even though the hard times, the sad times,and the awkward times, always and forever..." I squeezed his hands lightly.

He looked at the officiant, nodding slightly.

"Wilbur soot, do you take Alex to be your lawfully wedded husband,to have and to hold in sickness or in health till death does you part?" He looked at me, grinning widely.

"I do." He squeezed my hands gently. I could tell how hard it was for him to not kiss me right now.

"Do you, Alex Quackity take Wilbur to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold in sickness or in health till death do you part?" Moment of truth.

"I do." Tears of joy pricked my eyes.

"You may kiss." He pulled me into a deep kiss, dipping me carefully. My wings fluttered excitedly as we broke apart.

He held my hand as we walked down the isle, freshly wed husbands.

I took a bite of the cake slice I had gotten.

My glass of champagne sparkles in the silvery moonlight.

Just then, our song came on.

Wilbur grabbed my hand, pulling me onto the dance floor as can't help falling in love played above us.

We danced in pure bliss and love until we got tired.

I looked at my HUSBAND,I love saying that..

"I love you.." I held his cheek gently, pulling him into a gentle kiss.

"I love you too, darling.."

Hey lovelies 💖

I hope you liked this chapter. If you read this before my lovely best friend and amazing editor high_lady_chey edited it,then cool. If not, thank her, actually, thank her anyways! She has helped me a lot and she's actually been working with me since we started the first book so thank her for the improvement of grammar bc she taught me the ways of being a good person,and writer.

Tysm to high_lady_chey,go follow her,love you Chey (platonically ofc).

Eat and drink lots,be safe and nice,go follow Chey,bye lovelies. Oh! Btw,we have about one chapter left but I'm leaving it up to you guys weather it's two or one.

If it's two,then it's a honeymoon smut chapter for y'all horny lovelies,if not then we'll see what happens...

Bye lovelies 💖

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