06: Budding

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Jisung has no shame in referring to Hyunjin as Seungmin's "personal stalker" after Seungmin tells him about the ordeal he went through the night before- Hyunjin seeking out Seungmin in the most terrifying way possible just to thank him for doing his job well.

Seungmin thinks that it's a bit strange that Hyunjin would even go to such a length for a simple thank you in the first place, but he supposes that it's the thought that counts, at the end of the day.

"Think about it," Jisung says as they lounge in Seungmin's bed, finally getting around to that sleepover they'd planned days ago. "Maybe he just wants to be your friend. Chan and Changbin have told me that he and Jeongin's social circle is basically limited to anyone who lives on the royal grounds and other royal families from other kingdoms. You're a fresh, new, same-age face. And you're hot. Maybe he likes y-"

Seungmin stops Jisung with an extended index finger. "Friend? That makes sense. Anything else? No."

"You have to admit that he's cute though." Jisung says slyly, as the corners of his mouth turn upwards.

"Yes," Seungmin begrudgingly says as he rolls his eyes, "he is. Obviously. But that's not the point. I'm not opposed to being friends with him, I guess."

"Good. Not that you have a choice. I think Hyunjin already likes you a lot."

"I kind of got that vibe too, after he, you know, ambushed me."

"So what are you waiting for?"

"I'll talk to him again if I get the chance, okay?" Seungmin huffs. "Speaking of people liking other people, though,"

"Hm?" Jisung raises an eyebrow at Seungmin.

"Does Sungie have a crush on either a certain prince or guard?"

"Oh my god," Jisung whines as he flops face-first onto his front side, landing on the comforter and sheets with a whoomp. "I so do not." He says, voice muffled by the bed.

"I don't knoooow," Seungmin sings. "Tell me who it is. Jeongin or Minho?"

"You can't tell anyone." Jisung lifts his head and stares into Seungmin's eyes.

Seungmin nods. "Go on."

"Jeongin and Chan have something going on but..."


"Minho." Whoomp. Jisung slams his face down again. "It's so embarrassing."

"And here you are, scolding me for avoiding Hyunjin, who I don't even like, when you can't sit through a dinner with your knight- or guard- in shining armour."

Jisung rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands. "Call me a hypocrite, I don't care. Sometimes we make eye contact and I feel like my heart explodes in my chest. He's just so perfect, but I can't be around him for more than ten seconds without turning into a tomato."

"Maybe you should make a move." Seungmin is smirking. He's having too much fun.

Jisung just makes an exasperated groaning sound, and Seungmin throws his head back, laughing.


Hyunjin doesn't like his classes. They're boring to a degree Hyunjin never thought was possible and make watching paint dry seem fun. As his tutor, a frail man probably pushing 100, drones on about endless details of inter-kingdom alliances and trading, Hyunjin can't help but let his eyelids flutter closed.

"Excuse me, your highness," Hyunjin hears his tutor say a few beats later, and he begrudgingly opens his eyes again. "Your father wouldn't appreciate this kind of behaviour."

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