10: More Than That

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"You fell asleep in his arms as he sang softly to you?" Changbin repeats Hyunjin's words back to him, slowly as if he's trying to dissect and comprehend each individual letter, one at a time.

"Sounds like love to me." Chan concludes, Getting nods of approval from Changbin, Jeongin and Minho.

"Jisung threw a pillow directly at my face last night and called it his love language," Minho says, "so if that's love, then whatever the heck you two have going on must be on a whole other level."

"It's really not," Hyunjin tries to argue, but even he's running out of claims to defend himself. He can't love Seungmin, right? He's barely known him for a month. "He probably did it because I was sick. That's all."

Chan nods, although the look on his face is disbelieving. "Has he ever called you any terms of endearment? Aside from the fact that you guys starting calling each other "Seungminnie" and "Hyunjinnie" three days after your initial meeting?"

Hyunjin rolls his eyes, but he can't stop the slightest smile from forming. "He compared me to flowers once."

"Flowers in general, or a specific kind?" Jeongin asks.

"Moonflowers. The ones I told him I liked."

"That's hot." Changbin says. "And remind me how often you guys cuddle in bed? Oh, wait. It's every night. When he literally climbs the palace walls just to get to your room and see you."

"I fail to see how you think he doesn't like you. And don't even try to deny that you don't like him." Jeongin says.

"Fine! I obviously like him, just a little-" lot, "-bit. But it doesn't matter because of the," Hyunjin frowns, "the wedding."

"It would be so romantic if you went to him in the middle of the night and professed your love to him despite the wedding." Jeongin clasps his hands together and makes a swoony face.

"Maybe we should plan a date for you guys." Minho suggests jokingly.

"Again, wedding," Hyunjin reminds him, but his friends seem determined despite that major obstacle. The glint in Chan and Changbin's eyes is especially mischievous. Dangerous. But Hyunjin doesn't stop them.

"Hyunjin?" Seungmin looks confused, maybe shocked, to see Hyunjin waiting in his room when he gets back from work. The sky is turning dark, and the room itself is becoming cloaked with shadows until Seungmin flicks the lights on. "Why are you here?"

"You know," Hyunjin says, shrugging playfully, "to hang out."

"Seriously," Seungmin laughs with puzzlement still evident in his expression, "how did you get in without your parents finding out? Don't you have lessons?"

"They're so preoccupied with the wedding, they miraculously aren't paying much attention to me. Who would've thought? They're in and out of the palace all day. Minho agreed to go to my lesson in my place today, since it's supposed to be my class taught by my conveniently blind literature teacher, and while he's busy analysing ancient plays and texts, I'm free to do what I want." Hyunjin simply smiles, and Seungmin just nods.

"And you wanted to hang out in my room?"

"That's the start of it," Hyunjin says. It's the first time he's ever been to Seungmin's room. Of course, it doesn't look too different from his own in terms of decorations and such, but he can see Seungmin's personal touches in different nooks and corners of the room. The vases filled with flowers that were removed from the garden but not thrown out because Seungmin wouldn't let them go to waste, a guitar that sits on the couch across from the bed and pages of handwritten sheet music scattered around it, pictures in simple wooden frames of Seungmin's family and shop, as well as a picture of him and Jisung from what seems to be years ago, and what Hyunjin assumes to be the newest edition to the little gallery: a picture of Felix holding up Seungmin's garden shears while Seungmin stands behind him with a spatula as he wears Felix's apron. "But, I also wanted to ask something else of you, actually." Hyunjin eventually says.

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