15: Safe

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Seungmin's parents, as welcoming as they are, are visibly shocked by the eight men who appear at their doorstep in the early, early morning the next day.

"Meet... my friends?" Seungmin says as he motions to everyone, and Jisung begins to very obviously point at Seungmin's other hand that's intertwined with Hyunjin's to Seungmin's parents, a shit-eating grin spreading from cheeks to cheek.

They proceed to laugh and Jisung hugs them, waltzing inside the house as if it's his own. Everyone else follows after him after introducing themselves to Seungmin's parents. Chan gets a solid clap on the back from Seungmin's dad, seemingly leaving a lasting impression on him from the last time they'd met, and Hyunjin receives a light hug from Seungmin's mom.

"Good to see you again, Hyunjinnie."

The eight of them crowd into the living room and manage to squeeze onto the tiny couch that Chan, Hyunjin and Seungmin sat on the first time they were here. With a few people sitting on laps and Jisung sitting on top of the back of the couch, they make a tight fit, but a fit nonetheless. Seungmin sits in the middle of everyone, explaining their current predicament to his parents.

They sit on the couch across, nodding along as Seungmin tells them about the wedding and how they ran away on a whim. Seungmin's parents quickly and graciously agree to letting everyone stay a few nights in the house. Seungmin offers up his room and the guest room to everyone else, volunteering to sleep on the couch in the living room. Hyunjin decides he wants to stay with Seungmin, and takes up the other couch without any hesitation.

Even though it's early in the morning, everyone is tired from the long walk, and they're all in need of a good rest. Seungmin's parents retreat back to their room too, and the house falls silent. Seungmin is setting up pillows and blankets on each of the couches so he and Hyunjin can sleep, and Hyunjin walks up behind him, slinking his arms around his waist and resting his chin on Seungmin's shoulder.

"You're still not sick of me?" Seungmin laughs as he fluffs up a square, white pillow.

"How could I be?" Despite the fact that Seungmin hasn't even been working in the garden for a few days, he still smells floral like roses and tulips, and Hyunjin is beginning to think it's just his natural scent at this point.

Seungmin unfurls Hyunjin from him and extends an arm towards the couch. A plain white comforter and matching pillow that look despairingly plain compared to his bed back home are laid out on the couch. "Your bed is ready."

Hyunjin smiles and lies down, sleeping so he's facing Seungmin's couch. Seungmin also lies down, and he and Hyunjin stare at each other over the coffee table.

"Has his highness ever slept on a couch before?" Seungmin asks in an exaggerated posh accent.

"I haven't," Hyunjin juts out his bottom lip and shakes his head. "But I have to say, this couch is a bit uncomfortable. I have a feeling yours is a lot more comfortable."

"Hyunjin." Seungmin says, sitting up and pointing a finger at Hyunjin in warning. A cheeky smile only spreads across Hyunjin's face. "Do not-"

"Too late!"

They end up sleeping one on top of the other and the other couch lies vacant. It's not comparable to Hyunjin's big royal bed back at the palace, not in terms of size and softness, but it's warmer and more homely and smells and feels like Seungmin, so Hyunjin likes it better.


One day passes. No word from the palace. Jisung contacts communications within his circle of guard friends, and receives news that the King and Queen are back, but haven't spoken on anything yet. Supposedly, the whole palace feels stagnant and lifeless. Paused, like it's become frozen in time.

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