16: It's Nice To Have a Home

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It's a small town a short way from Seungmin's parents' house. Hyunjin doesn't know the name, nor has he bothered to learn it in the month they've been living there. It's quaint and simple, with a sizable amount of residents, but it's not crowded. Houses with blooming gardens and stone roads fill the town. Somehow, it's exactly what Hyunjin had pictured when Seungmin suggested 'small town life' the day they cleared themselves to move out of Seungmin's family home after hearing that the palace was in shambles and lying about the princes' whereabouts.

They considered moving to the city at first, but for the time being, living in a less crowded place helps to ease the constant worry in the back of Hyunjin's mind that he'll be found by palace guards or somehow recognized by a citizen, and sent straight back to the palace. The thought alone sends his heart racing, but so far, the worry has proved itself to be insignificant.

Seungmin can usually tell when Hyunjin gets in his head about being discovered. They're lounging in bed and Hyunjin's body is tensed, or they're eating dinner and Hyunjin will sit there, prodding at his food with a shaking hand. Seungmin will lay his hand over Hyunjin's and tell him that they can move houses a thousand times over, live in a tent in the forest or in a cave in the mountains if it's what will make Hyunjin feel safe.

The truth is, Hyunjin couldn't feel safe anywhere in the kingdom if he tried, but Seungmin makes it so much more bearable. Seungmin, living with him, sharing days with him and being in the same house as him provides Hyunjin with comfort that he wouldn't trade for anything else.

Their house is nice, too. One floor with a single bedroom and bathroom, but it gets the job done. It's decorated- mostly by Seungmin- in shades of greens and browns, and plants cover every shelf- Seungmin insists that it greatly improves the air quality to have them, and Hyunjin doesn't fight him on it. Hyunjin has the studio he's always wanted in a sunroom that faces the backyard, and it's quickly become occupied by a few too many easels and canvases. The kitchen is one of the smallest rooms in the house, but every morning, Hyunjin and Seungmin wake up together and drink coffee out of hand made mugs bought from the ceramic store in the town's main square, they listen to the birds chirping and Seungmin teaches Hyunjin about plants and flowers and how to grow them and care for them in their giant yard which is already brimming with enough flowers to fill up a florist's shop- Seungmin literally attests to this when Hyunjin inquires about it.

All of their friends opted to live in the big city that's not too far away, but they do come to visit frequently, such as now, with Hyunjin waking to find Felix sitting in the living room, talking to Seungmin over tea.

"... and so I'm doing the baking and Minho is doing the cooking, customers have been really enjoying our food- oh, hi Hyunjin!" Felix enthusiastically waves as Hyunjin, clad in his silk pyjamas and unruly bed hair, enters the room.

"Good morning Lix," he mumbles in his not fully awake state, and he takes a seat on the couch next to Seungmin who greets him with a quick kiss.

"Felix is telling me about the cafe he and Minho have started. Maybe we should stop by early one morning when it's not too busy," Seungmin smiles.

Hyunjin hums in agreement, even though going to the city is still a bit daunting. They've gone a few times to see their friends' new homes or to just hang out, but each time they've done so, it's been at the brink of dawn or in the darkest hour of the night to minimise the chance of any... incidents occurring.

"I know you guys have your reasons for staying here," Felix says, looking between Hyunjin and Seungmin, "but we all really miss having you guys around. Maybe we should start doing weekly dinners at your place or something."

"I'm not opposed to it." Seungmin smiles. "Hyunjin?"

"That would be nice." Hyunjin says, his voice still deep and raspy from his recent slumber. "As long as Jisung and Minho promise not to get caught... doing their thing in our washroom again."

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